ardumont / org2jekyll

Blogging with org-mode and jekyll without alien yaml headers.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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+title: org2jekyll

+author: ardumont

[[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]]

Blogging with org-mode and jekyll without alien yaml headers.

** 0.2.6 -> 0.2.7

** 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3

** 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2

** 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1

** 0.1.8 -> 0.1.9

** 0.1.2 -> 0.1.4

The [[][elisp coding convention]] was not respected up to this version. So between the 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 version, the names and variables were updated to respect them. Now every command and variables uses org2jekyll- and no longer org2jekyll/ prefix.

Let org2jekyll export your org-mode file to jekyll.

What's the difference with [[][org-jekyll]]?

You don't need to add some alien yaml in your org-mode file. You add specific org-mode headers and this will be used to format the jekyll post.

What's the difference with [[][happyblogger]]?

Only emacs' dependencies (org, etc...) no external ruby script.

** Rationale

Enters org2jekyll.

** Pre-requisite

You have:

** Install

Available on [[][melpa]].

Update your packages archives:

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t) (package-initialize)


/M-x package-install RET org2jekyll RET/

** Setup

org2jekyll leverage org-mode's publish abilities (ox-publish), so it needs the org-publish-project-alist custom to be defined to something sensible regarding your blogging setup.

/M-x customize-group RET org2jekyll RET/

For example, here is my [[][blog site configuration]]:

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(require 'org) (require 'org2jekyll)

(custom-set-variables '(org2jekyll-blog-author "ardumont") '(org2jekyll-source-directory (expand-file-name "~/org/")) '(org2jekyll-jekyll-directory (expand-file-name "~/repo/public/")) '(org2jekyll-jekyll-drafts-dir "") '(org2jekyll-jekyll-posts-dir "_posts/") '(org-publish-project-alist `(("default" ;; mostly static pages: about me, about, etc... :base-directory ,(org2jekyll-input-directory) :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory ,(org2jekyll-output-directory) :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./css/style.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>" :html-preamble t :recursive t :make-index t :html-extension "html" :body-only t) ("post" ;; dynamic pages like blog articles :base-directory ,(org2jekyll-input-directory) :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory ,(org2jekyll-output-directory org2jekyll-jekyll-posts-dir) :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :headline-levels 4 :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./css/style.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>" :html-preamble t :recursive t :make-index t :html-extension "html" :body-only t) ("images" :base-directory ,(org2jekyll-input-directory "img") :base-extension "jpg\|gif\|png" :publishing-directory ,(org2jekyll-output-directory "img") :publishing-function org-publish-attachment :recursive t) ("js" :base-directory ,(org2jekyll-input-directory "js") :base-extension "js" :publishing-directory ,(org2jekyll-output-directory "js") :publishing-function org-publish-attachment :recursive t) ("css" :base-directory ,(org2jekyll-input-directory "css") :base-extension "css\|el" :publishing-directory ,(org2jekyll-output-directory "css") :publishing-function org-publish-attachment :recursive t) ("web" :components ("images" "js" "css")))))



The previous sample contains important information:

** A running example

Note Yes, I may have to merge the last 2 repositories at some point...

** A reproducible example

You can clone this repository. Then, try and follow this [[][local article]].

For a post (layout 'post') or page (layout 'default'), add org headers (layout, title, author, date, description, categories) to your org files.

Activate the org2jekyll-mode in the buffer you wish to publish:

M-x org2jekyll-mode This installs the necessary cogs for org2jekyll to work properly ([[][issue 38]]). ** Post *** Headers For a post (layout 'post'): #+begin_src org #+STARTUP: showall #+STARTUP: hidestars #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:t #+LAYOUT: post #+AUTHOR: ardumont #+DATE: 2014-12-19 Fri 23:49 #+TITLE: hello #+DESCRIPTION: some description #+CATEGORIES: category0, category1 #+end_src *Note* To easily do that, /M-x org2jekyll-create-draft/, this will ask you for everything needed and create a file with such metadata. *** Publish Now write your article in org-mode. When ready, /M-x org2jekyll-publish/ to publish it. This will be published as post article. *** How - The *#+LAYOUT* entry refers to the *post* entry in *org-publish-project-alist*. - This will create another temporary org-mode file based on the current one with the right naming convention, transform the org headers into yaml, publish to the jekyll directory (according to your org-publish setup) and delete the temporary file. *** Extra headers As in [[][issue 36]], you could [[][need to add some extra jekyll headers]]. Simply add them as org properties (thanks [[][@halcyon]] for his work on [[][#41]]). For example, adding those properties in the org file: #+BEGIN_SRC org #+THEME: blah #+PLUGIN: lightense #+SCHEME-HOVER: "#ff00b4" #+END_SRC Then publishing, will generate: #+BEGIN_SRC yaml --- ... theme: blah plugin: lightense scheme-hover: "#ff00b4" --- #+END_SRC ** Page *** Headers For a page (layout 'default'). #+begin_src org #+STARTUP: showall #+STARTUP: hidestars #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:t #+LAYOUT: default #+AUTHOR: ardumont #+DATE: 2014-12-19 Fri 23:49 #+TITLE: hello #+DESCRIPTION: some description #+CATEGORIES: some-category #+end_src *Note* To easily do that, /M-x org2jekyll-create-draft/, this will ask you for everything needed and create a file with such metadata. Now create your article and publish it when ready /M-x org2jekyll-publish/. *** Publish Write your page. When ready, /M-x org2jekyll-publish/ to publish it. *** How - The *#+LAYOUT* entry refers to the *default* entry in *org-publish-project-alist*. - This will update the current org-mode with the necessary yaml and publish to the jekyll directory (according to your org-publish setup), then revert back to your normal org-mode file. *** Extra-headers cf. [[#extra-headers][post extra-headers]] ** Publish all posts /M-x org2jekyll-publish-posts/ Depending on your org-publish configuration and org2jekyll, this will compile the list of org-mode posts (*#+LAYOUT* with 'post' value) and publish them. ** Publish all pages /M-x org2jekyll-publish-pages/ Depending on your org-publish configuration and org2jekyll, this will compile the list of org-mode pages (*#+LAYOUT* with 'default value) and publish them. ** Previews You can keep an org file in your blog directory without publishing it, by writing it as a plain org file without the org2jekyll headers. Once you're ready to publish it as a post or an article, add the appropriate metadata headers and org2jekyll will now publish the file. * Minor mode org2jekyll provides you a minor mode with the following default binding: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org2jekyll-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "C-c . n") 'org2jekyll-create-draft) (define-key map (kbd "C-c . p") 'org2jekyll-publish-post) (define-key map (kbd "C-c . P") 'org2jekyll-publish-posts) (define-key map (kbd "C-c . l") 'org2jekyll-list-posts) (define-key map (kbd "C-c . d") 'org2jekyll-list-drafts) map)) #+end_src *Note* [[][Respecting the default minor mode convention for binding]] To (de)activate this in an org file: /M-x org2jekyll-mode/ As usual, you can use emacs' power to setup your own bindings. * Customization ** Layout By default org2jekyll uses the layouts "post" (for article blog post) and "default" (for mostly dynamic pages, e.g. contact, about, ...). This now can be customized: #+BEGIN_SRC sh (custom-set-variables '(org2jekyll-jekyll-layout-page "page") '(org2jekyll-jekyll-layout-post "post") '(org2jekyll-jekyll-layouts '("page" "post"))) #+END_SRC It's up to the users to make sure the entries are correctly configured in the `org-publish-project-alist`. See for example [[][this sample configuration]] which define their own while keeping correctly the `org-publish-project-alist` in sync. ** Draft By default, a draft has a fixed set of headers. It is now possible to configure extra set of headers (with fixed values). To answer, for example, [[][issue 47 need]], a user could define the following: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (custom-set-variables '(org2jekyll-default-template-entries-extra '(("comments" "true") ("theme" "awesome"))) #+END_SRC Which would then append the `#+COMMENTS: true` and `#+THEME: awesome` to the default template org2jekyll generates by default. All following created drafts would be created with that extra comments headers. * About internal publication links You can now link properly between your jekyll publications. You need however to prefix your local links with the `local:` prefix. For example: #+BEGIN_SRC org [[local:/interesting-post]] #+END_SRC will render into a proper html `a` anchor linking to your interesting post. See [[][#66 issue for more details]]. * Problems ** dependencies As a note, org2jekyll [[][declares its dependencies]] but it's possible that some are not fully respected. And then problem [[#43][may arise]]. So if you found out a problem about it, feel free to open an issue mentioning the version of the library you are using.