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Python Package for Amadeus Travel Innovation Sandbox
Amadeus is a trademark registered by Amadeus IT Group. The Python Library is created and maintained by Ardy Dedase and is not associated with nor endorsed by Amadeus. Therefore Amadeus has no responsibilities or liabilities in relation to the use of this code.
After participating in a startup event sponsored by Amadeus, I realized that the code I started will be helpful to those who will use Amadeus' Sandbox API in the future. So I decided to make it available as a Python package and share it on Github.
At the command line::
$ pip install amadeus
$ easy_install amadeus
Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed::
$ mkvirtualenv amadeus
$ pip install amadeus
Before anything else, make sure that you have created an account and have gotten your API key from Amadeus: https://sandbox.amadeus.com/
Read the docs: http://amadeus.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage.html
Read the code: amadeus/amadeus.py
and tests/test_amadeus.py