area / CryptoSwitcher

A script to switch between mining Bitcoin and any of the other cryptocoins as profitability dictates.
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A script to switch between mining BTC and altcoins as profitability dictates, using the powers of



Edit the scripts such as so that they start mining the appropriate coins with your desired settings. I recommend the scripts start the appropriate miner inside a screen session, which the two example scripts I've included will do. Then poke around in `cryptoSwitcher.config.sample to set everything up, including which coins you wish to try and mine or merged mine. Then run

git submodule init
git submodule update

to download the BTC-e, Vircurex, and Cryptsy python APIs. Then rename cryptoSwitcher.config.sample to cryptoSwitcher.config and run


The script should work out what the best mining option is, and run the appropriate script. It checks every hour for a change in the situation, and if the options is enabled it will also sell any coins that have been auto-withdrawn to BTC-E. I bear no responsibility for any losses you incur by using this script to sell your cryptocoins. If you wish to use these options, set the auto-withdrawal limits at your pools as low as they will go to limit your exposure to a changing exchange rate. You will also need to add your BTC-E API key and secret to the file key.sample and rename it to key.


Dustcoin and fizzisist, for doing most of the heavy-lifting of the data, and Alan McIntyre for making the BTC-API used here. sal002 also deserves thanks for


In hope, not expectation:

This couldn't have been made without the work of others; if you feel like tipping the other people whose work is used here: