Initialize and run Accumulo clusters as a Mesos framework.
DISCLAIMER This is a very early version of accumulo-mesos framework. This document, code behavior, and anything else may change without notice and/or break older installations.
The accumulo-mesos framework launches accumulo server processes on mesos client machines using
the $ACCUMULO_HOME/bin/accumulo <server>
script. It automatically configures Java and Accumulo
memory settings based on the mesos offer. The framework doesn't depend on Accumulo directly so
it should be able to support the more recent versions of Accumulo. It is tested with 1.7.0
First you have to upload artifacts to HDFS (accumulo tarball, framework tarball, native libs .so)
and copy that into your config JSON structures. (see dev/config
Running the framework is then a two step process. First you must initialize the framework.
See dev/
Then you can run the framework see dev\
java -jar /vagrant/dev/dist/accumulo-mesos-dist-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT/accumulo-mesos-framework-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
usage: accumulo-mesos [-b <arg>] [-cc <arg>] [-fc <arg>] [-h] [-i] [-m
<arg>] [-n <arg>] [-P <arg>] [-t <arg>] [-v] [-z <arg>]
-b,--bind-address <arg> IP address of interface to bind HTTP interface
-cc,--cluster <arg> JSON file containing cluster configuration
-fc,--framework <arg> JSON file of entire framework configuration
-h,--help Print this message and exit
-i,--init If present, initialize new Accumulo instance
-m,--master <arg> Location of mesos master to connect to
-n,--name <arg> Name of this mesos framework
-P,--port <arg> Port number to serve HTTP interface
-t,--tarball <arg> URI of framework tarball
-v,--version Show version number
-z,--zookeepers <arg> List of Zookeeper servers
See config examples in dev/config
A multi-vm Vagrantfile is provided along with many provisioning scripts to setup
the VMs for testing the framework. See /dev
directory for more info.
Thanks to the cassandra-mesos project. I stole a lot of the project setup and framework design ideas from there.