areknow / electron-profile

ProFile measure search utility. Diagnose unhealthy AppMon deployments easily.
MIT License
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dynatrace dynatrace-appmon electron linux macos measure nodejs profile

Electron ProFile

Electron version of the popular ProFile web app. Currently Beta.

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ProFile has been developed to help eliminate “measure explosion”, and to assist in the performance of the Dynatrace Server. The application will scan all the measures in each profile and find out if they are being used in any business transaction, incident, or dashboard. This information can then be used to clean up your system profile to reduce overhead and maintain a high performance server.



  1. Install/build the app with the build instructions, or download the binaries
  2. Drag a support archive into the main window, or double click the window to access the file dialog. An example support archive has been included in the /example dir. More information on Dynatrace AppMon support archives here: Getting Support.
  3. Wait for the analysis to complete.
  4. Find the unused measures in the new modal window that appears. Each system profile detected by the application will get its own modal window.
  5. Clicking on a list item will add it to your clipboard.

NOTE: ProFile does not modify any system profiles. That is up to the Dynatrace Admin.

Build/Run locally


$ npm install


$ npm start

Build macOS

$ npm run build:osx

Build Windows

$ npm run build:win

Build Linux

$ npm run build:linux

Builds the app for macOS, Linux, and Windows, using electron-packager. Linux is untested.
