arfc / publications

public repository for the development and distribution of publications
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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This is a public repository for the shared development of publications.

How To

To create a branch to hold a new publication you would like to start working on:

When you create your branch, please note the naming convention below. As you start to write, note the available templates here and elsewhere for LaTeX documents.


Each distinct publication will be generated in a separate bare branch. The naming convention for branches should be YYYY-author-keyword-venue where:

YYYY = the year of submission.

author = the last name of the first author, lower case

keyword = the first word of the title or a distinguishing keyword, lower case

venue = (optional) an identifier for the publication venue, lower case

For example, let's consider the famous publication by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch describing the theory of nuclear fission for the first time (neither scientist would receive the Nobel Prize for this work - their collaborator Otto Hahn was the sole recipient.)

Meitner, L.; Frisch, O. R. (1939). "Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: A New Type of Nuclear Reaction". Nature. 143 (3615): 2. doi:10.1038/143239a0.

Work on this publication would have been in a branch called : 1939-meitner-disintegration-nature .

Format Templates

Some of these branches will hold templates for certain common formats. These branches will be called 'template-name' such as 'template-ieee' or similar. Please add templates as you discover them.

Rather than duplicate them here, some other formats are found in their own repo: