arghblargh / QueueBot

Queue management bot for chat
4 stars 1 forks source link


Queue management bot for chat on Python 3.4

Set NICK, IDENT, and REALNAME to the username of the bot.

PASS is the oauth token for the bot (generated from

INIT_CHANNEL is #bot_name.

ADMIN is the username of the designated bot admin.

Additional information at


Debug Commands

!hello - Returns a message

!echo msg - Echos msg

!users - Returns the bot's list of users

!data - Returns all data for the current channel

!quit - Kills bot

Broadcaster Commands

!join - Tells the bot to join your chatroom

!remove - Removes the bot from your chatroom

!trust user - Adds user to your trusted list

!untrust user - Removes user from your trusted list

!queue on/off - Enables or Disables queue functions in your chatroom

Queue Commands (Broadcaster/Trusted User)

!queue show - Shows the entire queue

!queue setsize n - Sets the player group size to n

!queue new - Generates a new group from the queue

!queue remove user - Removes user from the queue. If user is in the current group, removes user from the group and adds another from the queue

!queue clear - Clears the queue and current group

Queue Commands (Viewers)

!queue add - Add yourself to the end of the queue

!queue remove - Remove yourself from the queue or current group

!queue players - Lists the players in the current group

!queue size - Show current size of queue

!queue position - Check your position in the queue