ariaghora / libdtree

A C single-header-file decision tree classifier library
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This is a single-header-file C library to create and grow decision tree classifiers. The implementation follows C99 standard so it is compatible with most architectures. It is small (< 500 SLOC) and suitable for embedded applications. It is also easy for the other languages to interface with libdtree.


This library only provides few main APIs:


Tree dtree_fit(float *data, float *target, int ncol, int nrow);

Train a decision tree classifier with the given data (feature array) and target. The data represents (flatten) feature matrix in row-major order. It returns a Tree struct to make predictions later.



Tree dtree_fit_with_param(
  float *data, float *target, int ncol, int nrow, TreeParam param

Same as dtree_fit, but instead of using default tree parameter, we should pass param that we define ourselves.



float *dtree_predict_single(Tree tree, float *data);

Given a grown tree, make a single categorical prediction on the given data.



void dtree_predict(Tree tree, float *data, int ncol, int nrow, float *out);

Given a grown tree, make categorical predictions on the given data.



This example demonstrates the usage of decision tree on XOR gate dataset.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "libdtree.h"

int main()
    // features
    float data[8] = {
        1, 1,
        0, 1,
        1, 0,
        0, 0};

    // targets
    float target[4] = {0, 1, 1, 0};

    int nrow = 4;
    int ncol = 2;
    Tree *tree = dtree_fit(data, target, ncol, nrow);

        make bulk predictions on the original data (which is expected to
        reproduce the original target)
    // allocate prediction output buffer
    float predictions[nrow];
    dtree_predict(tree, data, ncol, nrow, predictions);

    for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
        printf("result %d: %.2f\n", i, predictions[i]);

        make a single class prediction
    float test[2] = {1, 0};
    float class = dtree_predict_single(tree, test);

    printf("result single: %.2f\n", class); // should print 1.00

    return 0;
