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Adding __slots__
to a class in Python is a great way to improve performance.
But to work properly, all base classes need to implement it — without overlap!
It's easy to get wrong, and what's worse: there is nothing warning you that you messed up.
✨ Until now! ✨
helps you validate your slots are working properly.
You can even use it to enforce the use of slots across (parts of) your codebase.
See my blog post <https://dev.arie.bovenberg.net/blog/finding-broken-slots-in-popular-python-libraries/>
for the origin story behind slotscheck
Usage is quick from the command line:
.. code-block:: bash
python -m slotscheck [FILES]...
slotscheck -m [MODULES]...
For example:
.. code-block:: bash
$ slotscheck -m sanic ERROR: 'sanic.app:Sanic' defines overlapping slots. ERROR: 'sanic.response:HTTPResponse' has slots but superclass does not. Oh no, found some problems! Scanned 72 module(s), 111 class(es).
Now get to fixing —
and add slotscheck
to your CI pipeline or
pre-commit <https://slotscheck.rtfd.io/en/latest/advanced.html#pre-commit-hook>
to prevent mistakes from creeping in again!
See here <https://github.com/Instagram/LibCST/pull/615>
here <https://github.com/dry-python/returns/pull/1233>
for examples.
Pre-commit <https://slotscheck.rtfd.io/en/latest/advanced.html#pre-commit-hook>
_ hookSee the documentation <https://slotscheck.rtfd.io>
_ for more details
and configuration options.
Flake8 plugins need to work without running the code. Many libraries use conditional imports, star imports, re-exports, and define slots with decorators or metaclasses. This all but requires running the code to determine the slots and class tree.
There's an issue <https://github.com/ariebovenberg/slotscheck/issues/6>
to discuss the matter.
will try to import all submodules of the given package.
If there are scripts without if __name__ == "__main__":
they may be executed.slotscheck
allows you to ignore specific cases.slotscheck
imports your code in arbitrary order,
it can—in rare cases—result in confusing and randomly-occurring import errors
in third-party libraries.
In such a case, it is recommended to omit modules such as your tests
and mypy plugins from the slotscheck run.
See here <https://github.com/ariebovenberg/slotscheck/issues/178>
Alternatively, you can use PYTHONHASHSEED=<any value>
to make the import order deterministic.
A solution to this problem is being worked on in this issue <https://github.com/ariebovenberg/slotscheck/issues/270>
.It's available on PyPI.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install slotscheck