arighi / virtme-ng

Quickly build and run kernels inside a virtualized snapshot of your live system
GNU General Public License v2.0
345 stars 34 forks source link

What is virtme-ng?

virtme-ng is a tool that allows to easily and quickly recompile and test a Linux kernel, starting from the source code.

It allows to recompile the kernel in few minutes (rather than hours), then the kernel is automatically started in a virtualized environment that is an exact copy-on-write copy of your live system, which means that any changes made to the virtualized environment do not affect the host system.

In order to do this a minimal config is produced (with the bare minimum support to test the kernel inside qemu), then the selected kernel is automatically built and started inside qemu, using the filesystem of the host as a copy-on-write snapshot.

This means that you can safely destroy the entire filesystem, crash the kernel, etc. without affecting the host.

Kernels produced with virtme-ng are lacking lots of features, in order to reduce the build time to the minimum and still provide you a usable kernel capable of running your tests and experiments.

virtme-ng is based on virtme, written by Andy Lutomirski (web | git).

Quick start

 $ uname -r
 $ git clone git://
 $ cd linux
 $ vng --build --commit v6.2-rc4
 $ vng
           _      _
    __   _(_)_ __| |_ _ __ ___   ___       _ __   __ _
    \ \ / / |  __| __|  _   _ \ / _ \_____|  _ \ / _  |
     \ V /| | |  | |_| | | | | |  __/_____| | | | (_| |
      \_/ |_|_|   \__|_| |_| |_|\___|     |_| |_|\__  |
    kernel version: 6.2.0-rc4-virtme x86_64

 $ uname -r
 |___ Now you have a shell inside a virtualized copy of your entire system,
      that is running the new kernel! \o/

 Then simply type "exit" to return back to the real system.


You can install the latest stable version of virtme-ng via:

 $ sudo apt install virtme-ng

If you're using Ubuntu, you can install the latest experimental version of virtme-ng from ppa:arighi/virtme-ng:

 $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:arighi/virtme-ng
 $ sudo apt install --yes virtme-ng

To install virtme-ng from source you can clone this git repository and build a standalone virtme-ng running the following commands:

 $ git clone --recurse-submodules
 $ BUILD_VIRTME_NG_INIT=1 pip3 install --verbose -r requirements.txt .

If you are in Debian/Ubuntu you may need to install the following packages to build virtme-ng from source properly:

 $ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-argcomplete flake8 pylint \
   cargo rustc qemu-system-x86

In recent versions of pip3 you may need to specify --break-system-packages to properly install virtme-ng in your system from source.

You can also run virtme-ng directly from source, make sure you have all the requirements installed (optionally you can build virtme-ng-init for a faster boot, by running make), then from the source directory simply run any virtme-ng command, such as:

 $ ./vng --help



Implementation details

virtme-ng allows to automatically configure, build and run kernels using the main command-line interface called vng.

A minimal custom .config is automatically generated if not already present when --build is specified.

It is possible to specify a set of custom configs (.config chunk) in ~/.config/virtme-ng/kernel.config, or using --config chunk-file's or --configitem CONFIG_FOO=bar's. These user-specific settings will successively override the default settings. The final overrides are the mandatory config items that are required to boot and test the kernel inside qemu, using virtme-run.

Then the kernel is compiled either locally or on an external build host (if the --build-host option is used); once the build is done only the required files needed to test the kernel are copied from the remote host if an external build host is used.

When a remote build host is used (--build-host) the target branch is force pushed to the remote host inside the ~/.virtme directory.

Then the kernel is executed using the virtme module. This allows to test the kernel using a safe copy-on-write snapshot of the entire host filesystem.

All the kernels compiled with virtme-ng have a -virtme suffix to their kernel version, this allows to easily determine if you're inside a virtme-ng kernel or if you're using the real host kernel (simply by checking uname -r).

External kernel modules

It is possible to recompile and test out-of-tree kernel modules inside the virtme-ng kernel, simply by building them against the local directory of the kernel git repository that was used to build and run the kernel.

Default options

Typically, if you always use virtme-ng with an external build server (e.g., vng --build --build-host REMOTE_SERVER --build-host-exec-prefix CMD) you don't always want to specify these options, so instead, you can simply define them in ~/.config/virtme-ng/virtme-ng.conf under default_opts and then simply run vng --build.

Example (always use an external build server called 'kathleen' and run make inside a build chroot called chroot:lunar-amd64). To do so, modify the default_opts sections in ~/.config/virtme-ng/virtme-ng.conf as following:

    "default_opts" : {
        "build_host": "kathleen",
        "build_host_exec_prefix": "schroot -c chroot:lunar-amd64 --"

Now you can simply run vng --build to build your kernel from the current working directory using the external build host, prepending the exec prefix command when running make.



Please see DCO-1.1.txt.

Additional resources


virtme-ng is written by Andrea Righi

virtme-ng is based on virtme, written by Andy Lutomirski (web | git).