arikfe / IRTadiran

IRTadiran is an extention for IRRemote for Tadiran AC devices common in israel
MIT License
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This is an implementation for IRremote for Tadirn AC device common in israel.

The implementation was made originally for IRremoteESP8266 which is an addaptation for ESP8266 library Sming but it should work for IRremote for arduino. Please follow the Sming install and usage samples if you want to use it ( it is not just a library ). The base set of features include

There are still unmapped fields in the ir code but they probably related to not main function such as timers and remote specifc features. Mode (pretty sure about cool and heat less sure about the other) :


#include "IRremote.h"
#include "IRTadiran.h"

void loop()
  IRsend irsend(D3);
  IRTadiran ir(&irsend);
  ir.send(true ,     //On
    1,              // Mode - Cool
    1,              // fan spead 1-4
    25,             // temp
    false);         // swing 