arikw / flat-promise

Create a fresh new Promise with exposed 'resolve' & 'reject' callbacks available outside of its executor function
MIT License
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javascript promise

Flat Promise

Create a fresh new Promise with exposed resolve() & reject() callbacks available outside of its executor function


npm install flat-promise


const flatPromise = require("flat-promise");


Basic usage

flatPromise() will return an object containing a new Promise and its resolve() and reject() methods.

Creating an instance

const { resolve, reject, promise } = flatPromise();

It's recommended to avoid giving the control of the promise (the resolution methods) beyond the outer scope of where the promise was created - don't return resolve() or reject() methods nor keep a reference to the methods in an outer scope.

Usage example

function doAsyncWork() {

  // Get your promise and resolution methods
  const { promise, resolve, reject } = flatPromise();

  // Do something amazing...
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 500);

  // Pass your promise to the world
  return promise;


const result = await doAsyncWork();

Alternative usage

flatPromise.withControl() will return a promise with its resolution methods exposed inside it. It means passing around the promise is also passing around its resolve() and reject() methods.

The then(), catch() & finally() methods also return a promise containing resolve() and reject() methods.

Notice: This usage makes the promise state harder to maintain and to control.

Creating an instance

const promise = flatPromise.withControl();

- or -

const { promise, resolve, reject } = flatPromise.withControl();

Usage example

function doAsyncWork() {

  // Get your promise and resolution methods
  const promise = flatPromise.withControl().then(() => "cool!");

  // Do something amazing...
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 500);

  // Pass your promise (and control!) to the world
  return promise;


const result = await doAsyncWork();


This library basically brings a way to fulfill or reject a promise outside the promise chain. It means that errors thrown in the process of promise settling will not automatically reject the promise and should be catched explicitly! Please see this great explanation for more information about throw safety.