arioch / puppet-ulimit

Puppet module to manage Ulimit on Linux hosts
11 stars 29 forks source link

Puppet Ulimit


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Example usage

node /box/ {
  include ulimit

  ulimit::rule {
      ulimit_domain => '*',
      ulimit_type   => 'soft',
      ulimit_item   => 'nofile',
      ulimit_value  => '1024';

      ensure        => absent,
      ulimit_domain => '*',
      ulimit_type   => 'hard',
      ulimit_item   => 'nofile',
      ulimit_value  => '50000';


By default the module will purge any settings that are not managed by Puppet. While not advised you can disable this feature:

node /box/ {
  class { 'ulimit':
    purge => false,