arjangupta / 6dof-rpi

6 DoF robotic arm controlled by a Raspberry Pi (control + kinematics)
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6 DoF Robotic Arm Controlled by Raspberry Pi

This is my personal project. So far the hardware consists of:

Physical setup

Physical setup

Dependencies on RPi

sudo apt-get install python-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools # might already get installed with the above

After that, detect the 0x40 address of the PCA9685 hat:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

For the Adafruit library, execute the following:

pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit

Development dependencies for Flask server

pip3 install flask

You might also need to install the following:

pip3 install typeguard

Then, do the following:

export FLASK_APP=server/
flask run

You will now see the server running. By opening localhost:5000, you can see a reply from the server.

Visualization of URDF

The kinematics/sixdof_arm.urdf file can be visualized in Foxglove Studio. To do that, install Foxglove Studio and open the file in it under "Custom layers". The model should look like the following.

URDF visualization