arlowhite / angular-plotly-react

Angular plotly.js component library using Plotly.react() API
MIT License
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angular angular-components plotly plotlyjs

plotly.js component for Angular

Provides a PlotlyComponent for working with Plotly.js
This library is designed around the Plotly.react() API (available since Plotly.js 1.34.0)

There is an official angular-plotly.js library. However, angular-plotly-react has a different design, which is discussed at the bottom of this page.

Project Status

I am no longer working on this project or maintaining it in any way. Feel free to fork it or take whatever code is useful. If you are interested in maintaining the project and want me to transfer it to you, let me know.

angular-plotly-react installation

  1. Install the angular-plotly-react package
  2. import PlotlyModule in one of your Angular modules
    import { PlotlyModule } from 'angular-plotly-react';
  3. (optional) install dev dependency: @types/plotly.js

By default the Plotly global will be used, or if it doesn't exist, plotly.js will be downloaded from the CDN

PlotlyComponent usage

If you installed @types/plotly.js you may want to import and use these types:
import {Config, Layout, ScatterData} from 'plotly.js';

Create your trace(s) data. See the Plotly.js documentation examples and full reference.

    data: Partial<ScatterData>[] = [
        type: 'scatter',
        x: [1, 2, 3, 4],
        y: [2, 4, 3, 0.5]

In your template: <plotly [data]="data"></plotly>

At minimum, only traces data is required. However, you probably want to set a config to adjust Plotly's buttons and a layout to adjust margins:
<plotly [data]="data" [layout]="layout" [config]="config"></plotly>

  layout: Partial<Layout> = {
    title: 'Hello Plotly!',
    margin: {
      t: 36, r: 16, b: 30, l: 24

  config: Partial<Config> = {
    displaylogo: false,
    showLink: false,
    modeBarButtonsToRemove: [


To update the plotly chart when <plotly> is resized, you can provide an Observable to [resize$] or call PlotlyComponent.react().

If you're using material2, you can use ViewportRuler to get an Observable that emits when the window size changes:

  constructor(private viewportRuler: ViewportRuler) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.resize$ = this.viewportRuler.change(100);

plotly.js loading customization

Synchronous loading

You can create the Plotly global by either:
Adding <script src=""></script> to index.html
In an @angular/cli project, install plotly.js and add "node_modules/plotly.js/dist/plotly-basic.min.js" to scripts in angular.json

Alternatively, instead of loading the Plotly global, you can import it within AppModule and pass it to PlotlyModule:

import * as Plotly from 'plotly.js/dist/plotly.min.js';
import: [
  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ plotly: Plotly })

Asynchronous loading

With an asynchronous configuration, plotly.js will be downloaded on demand. To preload, set preload: true in PlotlyModule's config. preload is delayed by 250ms by default, which can be configured with delay.

In AppModule

import: [
  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ url: '' })

Alternatively, with @angular/cli > 6.0, you can configure lazy global scripts in angular.json:

"scripts": [
  { "input": "node_modules/plotly.js/dist/plotly-basic.min.js", "bundleName": "plotly", "lazy": true }

In AppModule

import: [
  PlotlyModule.forRoot({ url: 'plotly.js' })

angular-plotly.js discussion

There is an official angular-plotly.js library. However, I decided to publish angular-plotly-react because of some fundamental design differences. For comparison, see:



This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.3.

The default angular-plotly project is an app for testing the angular-plotly-react library.

Build angular-plotly-react library: ng build angular-plotly-react