arlyon / graphics

A fast, cross platform OpenGL4 boids simulation using ECS
MIT License
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version date build license

Aquarium is a cross-platform light-weight ECS games engine that is used to build a simple demoscene. It is powered by OpenGL 4 and ENTT. The latest release is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux in the releases section.



To run this software you must have:

To build this software you must have:


This project uses cmake, a meta build tool, to generate the correct build scripts for your platform. The library dependencies are handled via conan, a package manager for c++.

pip install conan cmake


This project uses a few libraries. Most of the packages are listed in conanfile.txt, however tiny_obj_loader is not on conan.

Library Purpose License
GLFW Lightweight cross-platform library for handling OpenGL windows, context, and input zlib/libpng
glad Cross-platform library for determining available OpenGL extensions MIT
GLM Cross-platform math library for use with OpenGL MIT
imgui A simple UI library MIT
entt Simple ECS library for data-oriented programming MIT
stb Various single file libraries. Used for image loading. Public Domain
tiny_obj_loader A header-only library for loading obj meshes MIT



conan install . -s build_type=Release --install-folder=release --build=missing
cmake -B release
cmake --build release --target aquarium --config Release

# alternatively...
cmake --build release --target package --config Release


conan install . -s build_type=Debug --install-folder=debug --build=missing
cmake -B debug
cmake --build debug --target aquarium --config Debug

IDE Setup

Visual Studio 2019

The easiest way to get set up with Visual Studio is to install the conan extension which will download and manage all your dependencies automatically. First, generate a solution and simply open it.

cmake . -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"

Then install the conan extension and, in the solution explorer, right click 'aquarium' and select the 'Install' opton.

Note: If your conan cache is installed anywhere other than the default, you must change the MSVC target compile options in CMakeLists to reflect it or else errors from the dependencies will be reported.


To set up with CLion, just run conan, installing into the relevant cmake-build-x folder. Then, reload the cmake project and you can build.

conan install . -s build_type=Release --install-folder=cmake-build-release
conan install . -s build_type=Debug --install-folder=cmake-build-debug