armash33p / blacksh33p

ARMA Development for the Black Sh33p community. No bullshit; just fun.
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Green Pastures Framework

No Bullshit; Just Fun.


This repository contains the Green Pastures Framework, mission scripts, and assets utilized by the Black Sh33p ARMA3 community.


All content herein is (c) 2014 by Black Sh33p. All rights reserved.


This source (hereafter 'Software') contains files to be used in the PC simulator ArmA 3. To use the Software you must agree to the following conditions of use:

  1. Black Sh33p (hereafter 'The Author(s)') grant to you a personal, non-exclusive license to use the Software.
  2. The commercial exploitation of the Software without written permission from The Author(s) is expressly prohibited.

The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.

Forever Grateful

Our missions are based on the F3 Mission Framework by @ferstaberinde. Without Fer and his team, none of this would be possible

We owe immeasurable thanks to @arctor for spending a ludicrous amount of time developing an initial framework and teaching us the black magic ways of SQF along the way.

We also heavily utilize DAC from Silola to manage our AI spawning and logic. Without this amazing tool, our missions would be very plain indeed.

Major thanks to Bourbon Warfare for some killer joint operations, and especially to Pabst for his Spectator script!

Repository Structure