arnau / obsidian-metatable

An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Support for Inline Meta Fields #32

Open lolfert opened 2 years ago

lolfert commented 2 years ago

Dataview's inline meta fields have become a popular method of inserting metadata within the content of a note. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that these fields are recognized by the plugin. I think it would be useful for many users if support was added for this, particularly those who would like to be able to see a comprehensive table of meta fields at the top of their notes without having to copy relevant attributes found within the body to the frontmatter.

arnau commented 2 years ago

Hey @lolfert sounds like something to explore. My initial reservation is that it would likely be depending on dataview itself to ensure compatibility which might be a bit too much. I'll think about it though, thanks!