arnau / obsidian-metatable

An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.
MIT License
150 stars 13 forks source link
obsidian obsidian-plugin

Obsidian Metatable

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This Obsidan plugin is no longer actively maintained. New developments in Obsidian itself have made clear I'm no longer interested in the tool nor maintaining a plugin for it.

A plugin for Obsidian to display the full frontmatter block instead of just the list of tags.



See the changelog for the full list of version. Or check the decision log for the main design choices.


By enabling the plugin in the “Community plugins” section you'll be all set. To see the effects you'll need to open a new document or restart the vault.

Check the documentation for a getting started, customisation strategies, examples and more.


From Obsidian:

From release:

From source:


Arnau Siches under the MIT License