arnaudrenaud / the-good-corner

Wild Code School live coding project: TypeScript, React, styled-components, Next.js, GraphQL (Apollo), type-graphql, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker, Docker Compose.
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The Good Corner

Live coding project for Wild Code School, work-and-study program, 2023-2024:

Prerequisites: Docker (24+), Make.


Run app in watch mode:

make run-dev

In parallel, follow log output with:

make logs

Run tests

Back end

Run tests in watch mode:

make back-end-test-watch

Web app

Run tests in watch mode:

make web-app-test-watch

Setting web-app types after GraphQL

Generate query-specific types for web-app development:

make web-app-generate-graphql-types

These types can then be used in Apollo queries and mutations.