arnonram / swade-npc-importer

Savage Worlds Stat-block importer for FoundryVTT
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More detailed documentation! #110

Closed csetom closed 2 years ago

csetom commented 2 years ago

The Problem: I was having a hard time, to understand the working of this modul, especial the bullet points, and the modified specail abilities. I am still learning it, but I have to see the source code to understand, how my imported NPC needed to look like.

For more detail: I wanted to import from The After PDF but the Special Abilities didn't work. Neither do tfrom he bestary.

Solution: So I think a more detailed version of the documentation will help anybody. You just need to show us some examples, and explain, which option do what exsacly, and how to use them.

SalieriC commented 2 years ago

While a documentation would be beneficial, in all honesty and fairness I feel the need to say that the The After bestiary is terribly formatted. A great setting and a great bestiary, but brimming with formatting errors. lots of dots and semicolons in the wrong places. I had to edit it quite a bit.

csetom commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is, but my bigger problem is, I tried every possible logical way to make it work, until i gave up, and looked the source code, how its parse the special abilities. And I still have problems why sometimes do nothing, and sometimes get an error, or parse badly. And I didn't find any example, or explonation, how the parseing or modified parsing really works.

arnonram commented 2 years ago

Hi @csetom Documentation is the bane of many developers... we know it's important but can't be buggered to make it very good (in most cases) ;)

The importer was built to work with the official way Pinnacle recommends writing stat-blocks, because trying to parse all ways stat-blocks are written is madness... (it could probably be done with some machine learning, but that's out of my league at the moment) :)

i'll see about trying to improve the docs. In the meantime, if we are talking about using the modified special abilities feature here's a sample:

Some Monster
Stuff about the monster. Lots of it..
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Shooting d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Combat Reflexes
Special Abilities:
@sa Aquatic: Pace 12″.
@e Burrow (10″): Some Monsters can meld
into and out of the ground
@e Immunity: Immune to water-based attacks.
@w Slam: Str+d6, nonlethal damage.
@a Armor +2
@h Weakness(dirt): Some Monster hate being dirty
@e Size +6: This one is rather large-ish
@e Fear (-2): boo
@e Poison(2): ahhhh!
@sa SpecialAbs: this is a ver special Abilitiy