(formerly SWADE NPC Importer)
A Savage Worlds Adventure Edition stat block importer for Foundry VTT
If you like what you see and find it uself, you can buy me a beer
If you are running Foundry as self-hosted, and with the HTTP protocol, then the Importer will not be able to read the data from the clipboard (this is security realted stuff). It will usually be represented by the following error in the browser console: Cannot read property 'readText' of undefined
To solve this either:
Insecure origins treated as secure
flag in your browser (or equivalent) appropriatly (see here for an explanation)Firefox does not support the clipboard.readText()
API, and I found no way around this.
:smiley: The Solution: The Actor Importer dialog has a text-box into which you may paste the statblock. This will by-pass both of these problems.
The SWADE Stat Block Importer works with the official statblock as seen in any Pinnacle products (SWADE Core, Deadlands, etc..) and defined in the Pinnacle Style Guide
The Importer basically searches for patterns in the text, so that means paying attention to commas, colons, etc...
Go to Settings and look around:
Copy the desired statblock (ctr/cmd + c, into the clipboard)
Click on the NPC Importer button at the buttom of the Actors Directory
Choose desired options & Click Import!
In case an Actor with the same name already exists, then you have some options
On first use (or, you know, whenever), it is recommended to look at the default settings
It is highly recommended to choose the Package and/or Item Compendiums you wish NPC Importer to use while importing
Some Prototype Token options may be set by default
Powers & Power Points
by defaultBennies
Actor Type | Wild Card | Max/Current Bennies |
NPC | No | 0/0 |
NPC | Yes | 2/2 |
Character | No | 0/0 |
Character | Yes | 3/3 |
Special Abilities
Search for "Armor" and/or any damage attack (lines with Str., Str+d*, or dice formulas).
You may select from the settings to not search for these special items, and then they will all be listed as Special Abilities Items
Lists all others as Special Abilities Items
Size influences the tokens' size (bigger than medium) and scale (for smaller than medium)
Add additional wounds as per the Size Table (SWADE Core)
Ignore wounds & Unshake bonuses for: construct, undead, elemental, combat reflexes
List them all in the actors' description with links to Compendium rules (if using the core-swade Compendium pack)
See NPC Importer Settings for further manipulation of the statblock.
This options allows users who have set Special Abilities as Eges in their World to link them, as well as
Forcing the Importer to consider some Spcial Abilities as specific Items => For example: this means that you can add a @a
to force the Importer to consider the special ability as Armor. The existing options are:
=> Edge;@h
=> Hinrance;@w
=> Weapom;@a
=> Armor;@sa
=> listed as Special Ability item"Some Monster
Stuff about the monster. Lots of it..
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Shooting d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Combat Reflexes
Special Abilities:
@sa Aquatic: Pace 12″.
@e Burrow (10″): Some Monsters can meld
into and out of the ground
@w Slam: Str+d6, nonlethal damage.
@a Armor +2
@h Weakness(dirt): Some Monster hate being dirty
@sa SpecialAbs: this is a ver special Abilitiy
Support is for both the UI and parsing of statblock
Please Note: I work mainly with English sources, and I do try to test with the supported languages, but, due to the few non-English stat-blocks I have and due to translation quirks, there will be more issus with the non-English. My Apologies for that :)
Adding More Languages: If you wish to add support for more languages, please don't hesitate to create a pull request or open an issue with the file attached.