arnoson / kirby-stats

Simple and privacy friendly web statistics for Kirby CMS.
MIT License
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Kirby Stats

:warning: This plugin is still in alpha, a lot of features are still missing or not completed yet.

Kirby stats is a simple, privacy friendly Kirby 3 plugin for tracking page views and visits.

Kirby Stats Panel Screenshot


I'm no lawyer and can't give you any legal advice regarding GDPR. I can only tell you what data the plugin is collecting. For each page view various counters are increased for a specified time interval. For example, after the first user has visited your website the data would be:

path time views visits Firefox Windows
/ unixtimestamp 1 1 1 1

That's it. No IP address is stored and no cookie is set by this plugin. And also no unique requests, all data is grouped into time intervals. If a second user visits in the same hour, the counters are increased accordingly. If a user visits in the following hour or later a new row of counters is created in the table.

Please checkout the source code and decide for yourself what this means for your privacy statement and GDPR.


composer require arnoson/kirby-stats


Also see the /example folder, documentation is still WIP.

The plugin provides an endpoint /kirby-stats/hit which gets called from a little script. Simply add the script to your website and include it in your templates like shown in the example.


// site/config.php
  'arnoson.kirby-stats' => [
    // Enable or disable tracking. This is useful to disable tracking in local
    // development by using Kirby's multi environment config setup:
    'enabled' => true,

    // The time interval in which to group the collected data. Use the default
    // 'hour' if you are interested in how your visits/views change during the
    // day, or something like 'week' if don't really care about the details.
    // Allowed values: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'.
    'interval' => 'hour',

    // Where to (automatically) create the database. Default is
    // '/storage/stats.sqlite' for public folder setups or
    // '/site/storage/stats.sqlite' for normal setups.
    'sqlite' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/some-file-path.sqlite',

Note: if you want to use Kirby's roots to define the database location use Kirby's ready callback:

  'ready' => fn() => [
    'arnoson.kirby-stats.sqlite' => kirby()->root('site') . '/stats.sqlite',
