aroute / cp4d35

IBM's Cloud Pak for Data 3.5 Control Plane with Assemblies. Manual installation.
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Update: CP4D is now at major 4.5 release version. Below mentioned instructions are outdated.

Deploy Cloud Pak for Data 3.5 (CP4D) on IBM Cloud OpenShift (ROKS)

πŸ“Œ Note: The following instructions should be run from a Linux operating system.

Log in

  1. Git clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Log in to your OpenShift cluster.

    oc login ...


  1. Increase the persistent storage for registry if not done already. DO NOT use this script for cluster provisioned via Tech Zone.

  2. Activate the registry.

    cd cp4d35/
  3. Tune/optimize nodes and set NFS permissions. Get your entitlement key via Container software library on My IBM.1

    export entitlement_key=eyJhbGcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    sed -i 's/enter_api_key/'"$entitlement_key"'/g'

πŸ“Œ Note: The following command pulls down the installer for Linux operating system. Do not run on any other operating system.

  1. Get cpd-cli utility.

  2. Ensure entitlement key variable is set properly with your key.

    echo $entitlement_key
  3. Populate your api key into repocopy.yaml file.

    sed -i 's/enter_api_key/'"$entitlement_key"'/g' repocopy.yaml
  4. Replace repo.yaml file.

    rm repo.yaml && mv repocopy.yaml repo.yaml
  5. Choose and select only one of the two storage classes. If you provisioned OpenShift cluster at Technology Zone with NFS, then select managed-nfs-storage; otherwise, select ibmc-file-gold-gid.

    export storageclass=ibmc-file-gold-gid


    export storageclass=managed-nfs-storage


πŸ“Œ Note: These scripts will install CP4D in a zen project.

Lite Assembly (control plane)


⏰ 30 minutes.

DB2 Warehouse


⏰ 15 minutes.

Watson Studio


⏰ 1 - 2 hours.

Watson Machine Learning


⏰ 1 - 2 hours.

EDB Operator


⏰ 30 minutes.

Watson Discovery

πŸ“Œ Note: Watson Discovery uses Block Gold storage.


⏰ 2+ hours.

Log in

Identify the default username and password via the official documentation (step 1) here.

Updated: April 2022

The following section has not been re-validated with the latest release. Do not perform any of these steps.

Create an API key and profile for the admin account

πŸ“Œ Note: The api key is necessary for the uninstallation of DB2 Warehouse (when needed). You may skip this step if you are not uninstalling DB2 Warehouse at this point in time.

  1. Using the CP4D web dashboard, create an API key for the admin account. Follow this instruction.

  2. Create a profile for the admin account.

    export ZENHOST=$(oc get route zen-cpd -n zen -o jsonpath='{}')
    ./cpd-cli config users set cpd-admin-user --username admin --apikey <your CP4D API key>
    ./cpd-cli config profiles set cpd-admin-profile --user cpd-admin-user --url https://${ZENHOST}


At the time of the writing, only two of the assemblies require patches: modeltrain-classic and watson-discovery.

First, check for available patches:

./cpd-cli status --repo ./repo.yaml --namespace zen --patches --available-updates

Scroll up and look for available patches in the following section:

  Patch availability check:

    No info on available patches has been found

Apply the two available patches.


Re-run and check to ensure patches have been applied.

./cpd-cli status --repo ./repo.yaml --namespace zen --patches --available-updates


*1. The `wd-discovery-ranker-` keeps failing.**


Resolution provided by IBM support.

oc edit deployment/wd-discovery-ranker-monitor-agent

1.1. Update the initialDelaySeconds value in LivenessProbe to 15

1.2. Update the initialDelaySeconds in ReadinessProbe to 45

2. How do I check the status of all the assemblies?


Run the following script to check the status of the control plane, and all the deployed assemblies.



Ensure you have previously created an API key and a profile for the admin account (see above).

  1. Uninstall CP4D.

  2. If needed, troubleshoot stuck namespace.

    oc get namespace zen -o json > tmp_zen.json
    vi tmp_zen.json 

    Search for /finalizer - delete kubernetes line

    oc replace --raw "/api/v1/namespaces/zen/finalize" -f ./tmp_zen.json


1 IBM's Official Documentation: Obtaining the installation files.