arquillian / ike-prow-plugins

Set of plugins for Prow automation platform
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 10 forks source link
containers continuous-delivery continuous-integration github-bot kubernetes openshift testing

= Ike Prow Plugins :asciidoctor-source: :numbered: :sectlink: :sectanchors: :sectid: :source-language: java :source-highlighter: coderay :sectnums: :icons: font ifndef::generated-doc[] :toc: macro :toclevels: 1 endif::generated-doc[] ifdef::generated-doc[] :toc: left :toclevels: 2 endif::generated-doc[] :data-uri: :imagesdir: docs/images

[cols="a,a"] |=== | .Jenkins image:["Jenkins",link=""] | .Travis image:["Travis", link=""] |===


Welcome in PR automation plugins Arquillian project. These plugins are based on link:[Prow] sub project of Kubernetes Test Infrastructure.


== Prerequisites

You need to have following packages in place:

Assuming that you have all the link:[Golang prerequisites] in place (such as $GOPATH), clone the repository first:


$ git clone $GOPATH/src/

NOTE: Have a look how link:[Go Version Manager] can help you simplifying configuration and management of different versions of Go.

NOTE: You can also use link:[`] which takes care of all of the above. Simply execute + $ curl -sSL | bash` + and you are all set.


== Documentation

The complete documentation can be found at

You can also generate it locally. All you need to have in place is[Docker]. Then simply execute:


and you are set. You will find generated documentation in the gh-pages folder.

On Linux you can combine it with following command:

./.asciidoctor/ && xdg-open gh-pages/index.html &>/dev/null

This will generate the documentation and open it in the browser. endif::generated-doc[]


include::{asciidoctor-source}/getting_started.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/plugins.adoc[]
