arranlomas / Trickl

trickl torrent client
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 7 forks source link
android chromecast go-mobile kotlin kotlin-android mvi mvi-architecture mvp mvp-android mvp-architecture mvp-clean mvp-pattern streaming torrent torrent-client torrent-downloader torrent-management


trickl torrent client

This is the repository for the trickl torrent client for android

Android app on Google Play

This is a front end for Android-Confluence confluence, which is my fork of the go confluence, which is slightly modified to run on android.

Confluence is a http wrapper for torrent client written in go


Note: is in gitignore as it contains the private api key for my fabric project that tracks crashes. To fix this simply remove the fabric dependency or create a fabric project and copy the api key into a file at the project root.

Next you have to either set up fabric or remove it, if you want crash reporting and analytics follow the Setting up Fabric section, otherwise follow the Removing Fabric. (I would expect most people to remove it)

Removing Fabric

apply plugin: 'io.fabric'

maven { url '' }




# Setting up Fabric

For the next steps you will need to [create a project on fabric](, if you don't wish to do this please follow the section to remove fabric.

* create a file called

* paste the following (where the fields in <> are the details you get from fabric) :-

