Open arsbar24 opened 7 years ago
Peer Review:
Hi, Alistair! I think you did a good job on your homework5 and great progress report as well! You have completed almost all tasks of homework5, and fully understood the methods of factor and figure management. Your codes were well commented on and the progress report part gave several useful links.
The map figures you created are cool. I thought it would be tough, but after reading your codes, I learned the basic process, and am looking forward to trying it next time.
However, it seems that your drastic
chart did not display well in your .md file. I can not see your .rmd file, so you may re-check the code after. Besides, if I’m not wrong, you did not finish Explore the effects of reordering a factor and factor reordering coupled with arrange()
part, although it is optional.
Overall, it looks like you have put significant time and effort into this assignment. I think your homework was nicely done. keep up the great work~
Regards, Jiahui Tang
Hi @arsbar24! Here are some comments about your hw05:
Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.
Hello! Great job with this assignment -- you really took the tasks and ran with them. Great use of visuals and plots throughout; soo neat to see how you were able to map GDP per capita for countries (or rather, the standard deviation of GDP per capita)! However, I'm still not totally clear on why you decided to map standard deviation, rather than just GDP per capita -- you touch on this in your readme file, but perhaps more justification for that decision could've been provided!
Your assignment was fairly easy to follow, but could have benefited further from task sections and then sub-sections. But, not a huge deal at all. I also would have found the flow to be better if you had included less comments within code chunks, and instead within the markdown text sections themselves.
Overall, awesome job! I will totally take a cue from you and make some maps in the future (fellow map nerd :)