arsbar24 / STAT545-hw-barton-alistair

Alistair's Assignments for STAT 545A
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Table of Contents

Updated 12/10

  1. Assignment 1 (in this folder) mostly involves vague data exploration and this file.

  2. Assignment 2 explores datasets and uses functions from the dplyr packages such as filter(), select() and %>% to analyze gapminder.

  3. Assignment 3 explores ggplot packages and many of its parameters.

  4. Assignment 4 explores use of the different _join functions and general data reshaping for the purposes of data-manipulation and making easier comparisons between different factors (e.g. countries)

  5. Assignment 5 explores factor reorganization and plot beautification.

  6. Assignment 6 explores creation of functions, revisiting data wrangling with a messy candy dataset, and regular expression analysis (with respect to Trump's tweets).

  7. Assignment 7 explores automation of the above analysis of Trump's tweets by use of a Makefile.

  8. Assignment 8 builds a user friendly website that analyzes Trump's tweets to the users requests.

  9. Assignment 9 builds a R package for regularized linear fits.

  10. Assignment 10 scrapes the data from a website (RateMyProfessor) and analyzes it.

Introduction to Alistair

I'm a math grad student taking this course to learn useful stuff.

Here's a list of some less useful stuff I like:

(fun fact, I was actually at this game)

Spicy thoughts

Spicy cumin

This summer I spent a month here. To prove it, here's a photo of me on a stylish camel (wearing even more stylish footwear):


Process: I edited in browser at the beginning, but touched things up locally. Used GitHub Guides and StackOverflow to help. Had trouble getting photos to a reasonable size using markdown, realized I could do it via html by StackOverflow, but decided against it because you can't view it in browser. Used some help from Jenny Bryan's github for manipulating the Gapminder dataset (in particular for the group_by() function).