arsbar24 / STAT545-hw-barton-alistair

Alistair's Assignments for STAT 545A
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hw06 ready for grading #6

Open arsbar24 opened 6 years ago

menglinzhou commented 6 years ago

Hi, @arsbar24 NICE work overall!

Best, Menglin

gbraich commented 6 years ago


Great work on the assignment!

For Task 2: Excellent job revisiting our previous lessons (joins, gapminder, dplyr). The function you wrote is impressive and thanks for the explanations, it was easy to understand your reasoning. My only comment on this section is that it might have been helpful to include a legend for ggplot in the function as it was difficult to discern at first glance what each country fill meant.

I enjoyed reading for exploration fo the candy dataset, again great job on combining aspects from our lessons all the way back to stat545. The function you wrote was easy to understand, and your use of the lm function was a nice to see!

For the Trump tweet analysis, I would also suggest the wrapper suppress warning to avoid warnings in the md file. I learned a lot from your analysis of this task, specifically on how you made you included all tweet counts and used the gather function.

The reflections for this assignment were helpful and everything was organized well. You might want to use more informative titles for your md files (to refer to the task and make it easier to navigate) and there were some issues in the hw06 README with respect to links.

Great work!

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @arsbar24 ! Here are some comments about your hw06:

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.