arsbar24 / STAT545-hw-barton-alistair

Alistair's Assignments for STAT 545A
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hw07 ready for grading #7

Open arsbar24 opened 6 years ago

marbazua commented 6 years ago

Hi Alistair

Your README file was very informative about what you did on this assignment. It was motivating for me to see how are you building up your knowledge by improving some of the tasks you performed on previous assignment (changing from analyzing the usage from two sets of words to analyzing the usage of many sets of words).

Organizing your repo was a clever idea, I wish I had done that when I completed this assignment. Most of the files and plots are correctly referenced on the readme file. It’s a very minor detail, but the link for the main md file is not included on the readme file.

Your summary file is very clear and the comments and text really help to understand what you are doing with each piece of code. I really liked your density plot and the interpretation you made out of it: “We can see how Trump's references to his competitors in the primaries peaks around Super Tuesday (March 4th) around the time Ben Carson withdrew…”.

Your three R codes are clear, and have a good coding style. Maybe you could have included some comments in the plot file to explain what you are plotting for future references.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to your questions on the Progress Review session of your readme file. I think you did a very good job on this assignment and learned from reviewing it.

Best, Mar.

emilymistick commented 6 years ago


Your repo and READMEs are all quite nice and orderly!

Assignment 7 is a well done demonstration of analysis automation. I like that you even took your analysis a step further than when you used it previously (which was not required for this assignment). The summary file is a great description of work, including some sample tables and a density plot of Trumpisms. Everything is very clearly laid out.

It was interesting to see how you organized your files into MakeFiles and SummaryFiles. That will be the way to go in the future if you start to apply this method to more complex analyses. It reminds me a bit of what we're doing with Shiny apps too, keeping files of certain categories in separate folders.

For rendering .md files using Make: I used the line: Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('$<')" successfully. I'm also not fully clear on when or why these work but that's the one that ended up working for me.

Best, Emily

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @arsbar24 ! Here are some comments about your hw07:

Three or more scripts, an Rmd, and a Makefile: Yes Starts by downloading data, ends with Rmd: Yes The output of each is the modified input of the previous step: Yes Includes some analysis and at least one figure: Yes Makefile includes all scripts and Rmd with correct dependencies: No (see comment) Makefile runs: Yes

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