artefactory / one-click-mlflow

A tool to deploy a mostly serverless MLflow tracking server on a GCP project with one command
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
66 stars 21 forks source link
docker gcp mlflow serverless terraform

1. one-click-mlflow

A tool to deploy a mostly serverless MLflow on a GCP project with one command

1.1. How to use

1.1.1. Pre-requisites

1.1.2. Deploying

Clone the repo

Run make one-click-mlflow and let the wizard guide you.

If you want to see the innards, you can run it in debug mode: DEBUG=true make one-click-mlflow

1.1.3. What it does


1.1.4. Other available make commands

1.1.5. Pushing your first parameters, logs, artifacts

Once the deployment successful, you can start pushing to your MLFlow instance.

cd examples
python3 -m venv venv 
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You can than adapt examples/ and examples/ to suit your application's needs.