Redis commands for Elixir. If you are looking for exredis, please check out exredis branch.
Add this to the dependencies:
{:redis, "~> 0.1"}
Redis commands have a few simple types: enums, commands and primitive. Types can be required and optional, multiple and variadic, can be composite.
Situation with required and optional types is simple: required types are just arguments in function and optional values passed with the last argument — opts
. opts is just a list, opts described in typespecs for each command.
Multiple arguments are arguments that contain one or more values. Multiple arguments can be optional.
Enum types in Redis is just a enumerable (usually), take a look at xx | nx
iex> Redis.set("key", "value", [:xx])
["SET", [" ", "key"], [" ", "value"], [], [" ", "XX"]]
iex> Redis.set("key", "value", [:nx])
["SET", [" ", "key"], [" ", "value"], [], [" ", "NX"]]
Commands are prefixed types, commands can wrap primitive types, enums and composite types:
# command with enum inside
iex> Redis.client_kill(type: :master)
["CLIENT KILL", [], [], [" ", ["TYPE", " ", "master"]], [], []]
# command with primitive type inside
iex> Redis.client_kill(id: "identity")
["CLIENT KILL", [], [" ", ["ID", " ", "identity"]], [], [], []]
# command with composite type inside, inner type of get is: {String.t, integer()}
iex> Redis.bitfield("key", get: {"type", "offset"})
["BITFIELD", [" ", "key"], [" ", ["GET", " ", ["type", " ", "offset"]]], [], [], []]
You can see the usage for every Redis command in IEx:
iex> h Redis.set
def set(key, value, opts \\ [])
@spec set(
key :: key(),
value :: String.t(),
opts :: [
{:expiration, {:ex, :integer} | {:px, :integer}}
| (:nx | :xx)
| {:condition, :nx | :xx}
) :: iolist()
since: 1.0.0
Set the string value of a key
Group: string.
Or head to the documentation on hexdocs.
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature