$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ pip3 install requests urllib3 datetime bs4 numpy pandas
from hltv import [class or function name]
>>> get_results_url(filename=None, pages_with_results=[0])
type: func
- filename - for saving pandas frame
- pages_with_results - array with numbers of pages with results
Return pandas DataFrame with columns:
- match_url
>>> MatchPageParams(df, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame with match urls
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> MatchPageParams.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- match_url - link to the match
- event_url - link to the tournament
- players_url_1 - links to players of the 1st team
- players_url_2 - links to players of the second team
- maps_url - links to statistics of played maps
- maps_name - map names
- score1_maps - score on each map of team 1
- score2_maps - score on each map of team 2
- picks - peaks of teams; 1 - the first team, -1 - the second team; if the array is None, then the maps are < 2
- date - match date
- total_maps - in total it was planned to play cards (usually 1, 3 or 5)
- maps_played - how many cards were played as a result
- score1 - score of the 1st team
- score2 - score of the 2nd team
- h2h_wins1 - history of victories of the 1st team over the 2nd
- h2h_wins2 - the history of victories of the 2nd team over the 1st
- rank1 - rank of the 1st team
- rank2 - rank of the 2nd team
- 5last_match[match_id]_total_maps[team_id] - the last 5 matches of the [team_id] (1 or 2); [match_id] - serial number of the match; total maps played
- 5last_match[match_id]_score[team_id] - the last 5 matches of the [team_id] (1 or 2); [match_id] - serial number of the match; score [team_id] in this match
- 5last_match[match_id]_opponent_score[team_id] - the last 5 matches of the [team_id] (1 or 2); [match_id] - serial number of the match; opponent score in this match
>>> LastMaps(df, last_maps=20, months=3, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- last_maps - last X played maps
- months - time period
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> LastMaps.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- last_maps [id] _score [team_id] - team*s score; id - map number, team_id - team number (team1 or team2)
- last_maps [id] _opponent_score [team_id] - opponent’s score; id - map number, team_id - team number (team1 or team2)
>>> Tour(df, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> Tour.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- event_type - type of tournament (Lan or Online)
- event_teams - the number of teams in the tournament
- prize_pool - prize pool of the tournament
>>> PlStatInTeam(df, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> PlStatInTeam.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
playerID - player number (from 1 to 5); team_id - team number (1 or 2)
- player [playerID]_days_in_current_team[team_id] - days how long player is in the team (0 or more)
- player[playerID]_days_in_all_team[team_id] - days how long player is in all teams (0 or more)
- player[playerID]_teams_all_team[team_id] - the number of teams the player was in (0 or more)
>>> PlStatAll(df, months=3, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- months - time period
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> LastMaps.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- [param] _player [player] _team [team_id] - player statistics
- [param] _maps_player [player_id] _team {team_id} - played maps for calculating statistics (only some parameters)
- age_player [player_id] _team [team_id] - player age
>>> AllMapsStat(df, last_maps=20, months=3, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- last_maps - last X played maps on map
- months - time period
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> LastMaps.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- [param][map]_team[team_id]
- map_played[id]_team[team_id] - score; [id] - serial number of played map
- map_played[id]_opponent_team[team_id] - opponent score; [id] - serial number of played map
>>> MapsStatTeamFull(df, last_maps=20, months=3, start_index=None, finish_index=None)
type: class
- df - pandas frame from previous step
- last_maps - last X played maps on map
- months - time period
- start_index - start index
- finish_index - last index
>>> MapsStatTeamFull.add_all_params()
type: func
Modify pandas frame, add columns:
- [param]_team[team_id]
- current_mapplayed[id]_team[team_id] - score; [id] - serial number of played map
- current_mapplayed[id]_opponent_team[team_id] - opponent score; [id] - serial number of played map
Return new pandas DataFrame with all columns