artfulrobot / de.systopia.newsstoremailer

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NewsStore Mailer

Warning: this extension is unmaintained, with reports that it is broken in CivCRM 5.64.3 - possibly earlier versions 🤷- Please see

This extension provides an API method which takes 'unconsumed' items from a given NewsStoreSource, formats them into an email, and sends that email to a given mailing list.

If there are no unconsumed items then no mailing is sent.

API Action: NewsStoreSource.newsStoreMailer

This action takes:

The process is:

  1. Check for unconsumed items in the NewsStoreSource. Exits here if there aren't any.

  2. Creates a mailing to the given group using the formatter class (see below (see below).

  3. If not in test mode: submit the mailing for sending.

  4. If not in test mode: mark all the items it used as consumed.

This could then be set up as a scheduled job.

Formatter classes

Formatters must extend CRM_NewsstoreMailer. There are two key methods to implement:

Both the getMailing* methods are called with an array of items from the NewsStoreSource for formatting.

After calling these methods to generate the content of a mailing, an API call is prepared on the API action Mailing.create. The parameters for this call are first filtered by alterCreateMailingParams. This can be useful to tweak any final settings that your formatter may require (e.g. to apply filters for Mosaico).