Wikidata service to help create or link author items to published articles
To use the tool go to
To run in development you need a php server with an https front-end. Install the files as provided in this distribution directly in an appropriate subdirectory of your local web server's documents root directory.
Several configuration files need to be set up - copy "sample_local_config.php" to "local_config.php" and modify the entries there. The "sample_oauth.ini" and "sample_db.cnf" files show the format required for the OAuth and database connection files, respectively.
You can run without OAuth enabled; however it still requires database connection information. The database must be running MySQL or MariaDB and have the tables specified in schema.sql (just run that file on your database if you are starting fresh). The database tables manage batches, author lists, and the rate limit monitor.
See for a more detailed introduction to this tool.