arthurrichards77 / adsb_box

ADSB box stuff
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ADS-B Monitoring

Recording and processing ADS-B data using a Radarcape


Utilities are written for a companion computer connected to the same network as the Radarcape, mostly in Python with a bit of BASH.

ADS-B Recording

The raw recording is just done in bash:

nc -C radarcape.local 30003 | grep -a MSG,[13] | split -l1000 -a4 -d --additional-suffix=.csv

This reads the port 30003 output, grabs only messages 1 and 3, and saves the results to files in chunks of 1000 lines. The script combines this with some nicety about making a folder with a timestamp.


Script converts the raw data to a more usable format, still CSV, but with each row as:


This gives a row for each message of type 3 and looks up the callsign from the last message of type 1 with the same ID.


Google Earth map with flight tracks searches the current folder and all subfolders, recursively, and combines any data_***.csv files it finds into one big KML file.


For standalone operation, the Radarcape receiver is mounted in a waterproof enclosure with a Hubi 2k solar power system. A D-Link DWR-920 provides networking, including internet connectivity via 4G SIM and client connections via either WiFi or an external ethernet port.

ADS-B receiver, power system and router in box