PyTheus, a highly-efficient discovery framework for quantum optics experiments
Digital Discovery of 100 diverse Quantum Experiments with PyTheus \ Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Sören Arlt, Jan Petermann, Sharareh Sayyad, Tareq Jaouni, Ebrahim Karimi, Nora Tischler, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn \ Quantum 7, 1204 (2023).
Digital Discovery of a Scientific Concept at the Core of Experimental Quantum Optics \ Sören Arlt, Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Mario Krenn
The package can be installed with
pip install pytheusQ
NOTE: do not use pip install pytheus
(it will install a different package)
To run one of the included examples, type e.g.
pytheus run --example ghz_346
Output of optimization is saved to a directory called output
To list all examples, type
pytheus list
You can also run config json files by referring to them by their path.
Names of the subdirectories in output are specified by the name and content of the config file.
To plot the graph corresponding to one result saved as a json file, execute
pytheus plot PATH_TO_RESULT_FILE
To get help, add the --help
option to any command. For instance
> pytheus run --help
Usage: pytheus run [OPTIONS] FILENAME
Run an input file.
--example Load input file from examples directory.
--help Show this message and exit.
Our package allows for the discovery of quantum experiments for a range of experimental goals, constraints and resources. Experiments that can be produced include:
Sources for photons in these experiments can be SPDC sources, deterministic single-photon sources or a mix of the two.
Detectors can be photon-number-resolving or not.
Each of these experiments can be described with a graph. The interpretation of nodes and edges varies with the kind of experiment.
With these varying interpretations (e.g. for single photon sources, input photons, entanglement swapping), different constraints apply on what kind of graph can correspond to an experiment (Topological Rules).
With the different ways of performing the experiments (heralded/post-selected & number-resolving/non-number-resolving), different events are selected out of all possibilities (post-selection rules).
All experiments that our package is applied to can be described by a graph. When describing state creation using SPDC each edge can be interpreted as a pair-creation. In this case all edges of the complete graph can be considered physically legitimate. When describing other experiments edges can be interpreted differently. Not every edge will be physically meaningful. Consequentially there are constraints on which connections of the complete graph are used in the optimization.
(A) Single Photon Sources and Input Photons
Deterministic single photon sources and input photons (such as in gates) are described as (input) vertices in a graph. An edge connecting an input vertex to a detector describes a path in which a photon can travel from the input into the detector. This interpretation stems from the Klyshko picture. From this a constraint on the graph follows. Two input vertices can not be connected by an edge. It could not be interpreted physically.
(B) Entanglement Swapping and Teleportation
In entanglement swapping, photons are entangled that have not interacted before. If we want to design an entanglement swapping experiment of two photons, the target is to discover a graph that produces an entangled state between the two photons. However any edge between the corresponding vertices would translate into a common source crystal. A constraint that ensures legitimate entanglement swapping is to remove any edge between the two parties
The rules for post-selecting coincidence events have been described in the Theseus paper. Here, post-selection projects the space of possibilities containing arbitrary combinations of crystals firing into the space of possibilities where only crystals fire for which all detectors at the end of the experiment click. In the graph picture these combinations correspond to the perfect matchings. A state is produced with fidelity one in post-selection if all possibilities of coincidence events contribute to that state.
Other experimental settings (such as heralding) and additional experimental resources (such as number-resolving detectors) perform a different kind of projection on the space of possibilities by selecting for different events. This different selection is reflected in the fidelity of the state. The products of the edge weights belonging to each possibility contribute to the norm of the fidelity.
(A) Heralding
Heralding is a less strict form of selecting events. Instead of putting a detector in every path and selecting for coincidence, only a subset of the paths are detected heralding an output state in the unmeasured paths. This selection rule not only allows for possibilities where one photon is in every path (perfect matchings) but also for other possibilities (edge covers) as long as they cover the heralding detectors. This can lead to cross-terms that are not present when post-selecting for coincidence in all paths. Consequentially it is more difficult to find a graph with fidelity one, also requiring more experimental resources.
(B) Single Photon Sources and Input Photons
When describing heralded experiments (above) one has to consider edge covers instead of perfect matchings in the graph for possible events. These possibilities include one edge being included twice in an edge cover, corresponding to a crystal firing twice in an experiment. For single photon sources and other deterministic input photons such possibilities do not exist. Only edge covers that cover the input vertices exactly once are considered for the norm of the fidelity.
(C) Photon Number-Resolving Detectors
Photon number-resolving detectors are a valuable resource that can restrict the space of possibilities more than a regular detector. When one can be certain that exactly one photon, and not two, has entered a detector it reduces the number of events that could have led to this outcome, eliminating cross terms.
(D) States in Fock Basis
As explained above, the loss function depend largely on the different experimental conditions. Independent of these conditions they fall into two categories.
A Fidelity of one ensures that an experiment has no unwanted cross terms. Every possibility that is selected for contributes directly to the target outcome.
However, we have come to find that optimizing exclusively for fidelity in some cases can lead the optimization to scale down the weights of the entire graph to minimize the contributions of crossterms. While the fidelity will be very close to one in those cases the generally low edge weights would lead to very low count rates of successful events in actual experiments.
To find solutions with higher weights we have introduced the simplified count rate as a loss function.
This section gives examples for config files showcasing the features for different kinds of experiments that can searched for. A complete list of the 100 config files in the PyTheus papers can be found here.
This is used when the in- and out-going states can be clearly defined by a state functions. For those, the loss
functions cr
and fid
are used.
Below are some examples to give an idea of the scope.
For further details, refer to the definition of the function setup_for_target
Here is an example for a config file optimizing for a graph that creates a three particle four-dimensional GHZ state.
"description": "Finding a setup for the creation of the three-particle four-dimensional GHZ state. It can be realized with three ancillary particles",
"foldername": "ghz_346",
"target_state": [
"num_anc": 3,
"loss_func": "cr",
"thresholds": [
"samples": 10,
"optimizer": "L-BFGS-B",
"ftol": 1e-06,
"edges_tried": 20,
"tries_per_edge": 5
General info is given by description
. With foldername
one can give a custom name for the subfolder where solutions
are saved.
In the simple case of post-selected state creation with SPDC crystals, target_state
, num_anc
and loss_func
are all
that are needed to define the objective of the optimization.
is necessary to decide whether a topological optimization step has been successful. In this case,
when 1-countrate < 0.25
and 1-fidelity < 0.1
For an example how topological constraints on the starting graph of the optimization are dealt with, consider the example of a post-selected CNOT(2,3) quantum gate.
"description": "Postselected CNOT between a qubit (control) and a qutrit (target). Two ancillary photons from SPDC.",
"foldername": "cnot_23",
"target_state": [
"in_nodes": [
"out_nodes": [
"num_anc": 2,
"loss_func": "cr",
"thresholds": [
"samples": 10,
"optimizer": "L-BFGS-B",
"ftol": 1e-06,
"edges_tried": 30,
"tries_per_edge": 5
Here, target_state
defines a logic table. It is defined through in_nodes
and out_nodes
, which entries belong to
incoming photons and which belong to outgoing photons. These definitions suffice to automatically put constraints on the
starting graph.
Two additional features are heralding and single photon sources. A simple example is a CNOT gate between two qubits heralding on two ancillary detectors.
"description": "Heralded CNOT gate between two qubits with two single photon sources. Similar has been done: could this have a better success probability?",
"foldername": "cnot22sp",
"target_state": [
"num_anc": 2,
"in_nodes": [
"out_nodes": [
"single_emitters": [
"heralding_out": true,
"loss_func": "cr",
"thresholds": [
"samples": 10,
"optimizer": "L-BFGS-B",
"ftol": 1e-06,
"edges_tried": 30,
"tries_per_edge": 5
Here, the two single photon sources given by single_emitters
introduce further topological constraints on the starting
graph. As they have the role of ancillary photons in this case, we need to set num_anc
accordingly. The graph
corresponding to this optimization will have a total of eight nodes. Two for incoming, two for outgoing, two for single
photon sources and two for ancillary detectors.
If num_anc
is larger than the sum of lengths of in_nodes
and single_emitters
, the necessary amount of particles is
created through SPDC.
Additionaly heralding_out
is set to true
here. The photons corresponding to out_nodes
will not be detected.
"description": "Measurement for three particle W state",
"foldername": "W_measurement",
"target_state": [
"in_nodes": [
"num_anc": 0,
"loss_func": "cr",
"samples": 10,
"optimizer": "L-BFGS-B",
"ftol": 1e-06,
"thresholds": [
"tries_per_edge": 5,
"edges_tried": 30
When loss_func
is set to "ent"
, no target state is set. Instead the optimizer maximizes the entanglement that can be
achieved by a graph with the local dimensions given by dim
"description": "Maximizing entanglement in k=2 bi-partitions for four qubits.",
"K": 2,
"dim": 2222,
"ftol": 1e-07,
"loss_func": "ent",
"min_edge": 4,
"num_pre": 5,
"optimizer": "SLSQP",
"imaginary": false,
"samples": 10,
"thresholds": [
"tries_per_edge": 3,
"var_factor": 0
There is also the option to define an arbitrary loss function, which should be defined or imported in
Here is an example for optimizing the assembly index of the graph.
"foldername": "assembly",
"loss_func": "lff",
"lff_name": "top_n_assembly",
"dimensions": [
"num_vertices": 4,
"num_cols": 2,
"size_of_graph": 8,
"optimizer": "L-BFGS-B",
"ftol": 1e-06,
"samples": 1,
"thresholds": [
"topopt": false,
"edges_tried": 30,
"tries_per_edge": 5,
"unicolor": false,
"imaginary": false,
"num_pre": 1,
"save_history": true
To use a custom defined loss function loss_func
should be set to "lff"
(loss from function).
The name of the loss function is given as a string to lff_name
. This function should be defined or imported
. It should take a Graph
object and a cnfg
dictionary as arguments and return a real number.
git clone
From the project root directory, submit
python -m venv venv
This will create a subfolder with your virtual environment.
To activate, type
. venv/bin/activate
Note the leading point!
python develop
from the project root directory (where
is located).
Any changes in the code will now automatically be reflected
in your local package installation.