artmizu / nuxt-2-prometheus

Allows you to better understand what's going on with your application and how to optimize performance and other things in production
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📊 Nuxt 2 Analytics

Allows you to better understand what's going on with your application and how to optimize performance and other things in production


Default routes


Install package via a package manager:

# using npm
npm install --save-dev @artmizu/analytics-nuxt-2

# using yarm
yarn add -D @artmizu/analytics-nuxt-2

# using pnpm
pnpm add -D @artmizu/analytics-nuxt-2

Add it to a modules section of your nuxt config:

export default {
  modules: ['@artmizu/analytics-nuxt-2']

Grafana sample setup

Once the metrics have been collected by Prometheus, you will want to review them. I use Grafana for this purpose, and my metrics setup looks something like this: Cover


You can pass it through module options and the nuxt config property analytics.
