artmizu / nuxt-prometheus

Prometheus metrics for NodeJS and a set of custom metrics for Nuxt applications
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📊 Prometheus integration for Nuxt 3

Allows you to better understand what's going on with your application and how to optimize performance and other things in production. Nuxt 2 users can use this version.


Due to this issue in ofetch package @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus cannot detect network requests which take place through useFetch or $fetch, because they both use ofetch inside. So on the /metrics page, you don't see any request time related to ofetch. Future investigation will take place here.

For now request measurment time is disabled by default.


Default routes that you can customise via the module options


Install package via a package manager:

# using nuxi, it automatically appends the module in your nuxt.config
npx nuxi@latest module add prometheus

# using npm
npm install @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

# using yarn
yarn add @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

# using pnpm
pnpm add @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

Add it to a modules section of your nuxt config:

export default {
  modules: ['@artmizu/nuxt-prometheus']

Grafana sample setup

Once the metrics have been collected by Prometheus, you will want to review them. I use Grafana for this purpose, and my metrics setup looks something like this: Cover


You can pass it through module options and the nuxt config property prometheus.





