artus-analysis / Sherivf

Toolkit for PDF studies with Sherpa, Rivet, fastNLO and xFitter.
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Toolkit for PDF studies with Sherpa, Rivet, fastNLO and xFitter.


Installation instructions

can be found in a separate file here.

Introduction to PDF fits

For PDF determination, theory calculations for different PDF sets are compared with data. The PDFs which lead to the best agreement with data are determined.

For fast cross section predictions with different PDFs, fastNLO tables are needed. These can be produced by Rivet which processes events generated by Sherpa (and Blackhat). The fastNLO tables are used by xFitter which compares data and theory and thereby determines the PDF.

Monte Carlo simulation and fastNLO table production

Sherpa is used for Monte Carlo event generation. The events are then passed to Rivet which implements analysis steps such as phase space cuts or Z boson reconstruction. MCgrid, a Rivet plugin, generates the fastNLO tables necessary for PDF fits.

The important configuration files are:

This is the main tool for event generation and fastNLO table production. It is a wrapper script, i.e. it mainly executes other commands in a convenient way for the user. It has different modes which are detailed below. After checkout, when using the default configuration, you can skip the Integration and Warmup steps. Always make sure you are in the Sherivf directory and have sourced the ini script:

cd Sherivf
. scripts/

Rivet analysis compilation

After every time something in the Rivet analysis file is changed: compile

This simply executes a compilation command for the Rivet analysis plugin, located in rivet/.

Integration run of sherpa

After every time some physical parameter in the Sherpa runcard sherpa/zjet/Run.dat is changed: integrate

This deletes old integration files and executes a Sherpa phase space integration run. This integration run is necessary if a Sherpa configuration is executed for the first time.

Warmup run for fastNLO

After every time something in the Sherpa runcard or the Rivet analysis is changed, the fastNLO warmup files have to be recreated: warmup

The warmup files contain information on the ranges in x and Q^2 in the analysis bins. The output files are copied into the respective directories. It might be necessary to increase the number of events

Local testing

Full run of Sherpa and Rivet. Use this mode to check if everything works before starting batch production. local -n 10000

Creates a time-stamped output directory in test/ which contains the Rivet output (Rivet.yoda) and the fastNLO tables. -n specifies the number of events. With a Z+1Jet@NLO config, 3000000 events roughly correspond to 1h runtime.

Batch mode

For large-scale parallel MC production; get sufficient events even in sparsely populated phase space regions batch -n 1000000 -j 20

-j specifies the number of jobs, -b the batch resource. creates a work directory (on a storage server), submits the jobs (via grid-control), merges the output Rivet.yoda files and the fastNLO tables and creates a link to the work directory in results/. The cross section in the merged Rivet.yoda file needs to be manually scaled by the inverse of the number of jobs.

For debugging of individual jobs, the grid-control and job outputs are located in <work-directory>/work.sherpa-rivet_<config>/output/job_<Number>/, i.e. the gc.stdout, gc.stderr, job.stderr.gz and job.stdout.gz files.

Depending of the batch system you use it may be possible that the merging of the job outputs fails (for example on the NAF when the tables are too big). In this case, the job will finish with status failed. Don't worry, if this happens, you can merge the job outputs manually using

fnlo-tk-merge name_of_joboutput_*.tab

Helper scripts

Some handy scripts located in the scripts/ folder:

fastNLO table evaluation

Calculate a cross section from a fastNLO table (with a certain PDF set) and save as ROOT: -i results/MCgrid_CMS_2015_Zee_zjet/ -p NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118

Correlation plots

The red-blue PDF correlation plots are created with two scripts. First, the correlations have to be calculated with a fastNLO table and saved as ROOT file. Then, the ROOT 2D-histogram has to be plotted. E.g., for the correlation plot of the gluon PDF and the cross section as a function of Z pT, using the NNPDF 2.3 PDF set:  -t results/MCgrid_CMS_2015_Zee_zjet/ -p NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118 -o zpt.root -i zpt.root -f gluon -o zpt_gluon_corr.png

Statistical check of fastNLO tables For sparsely populated (= only few events) bins, large NLO event weights can bias the bin cross section. If you have a number of fastNLO tables, you can identify tables for which the cross section in a bin deviated by more than X sigma from the median of all tables: -i /storage/a/dhaitz/sherivf/ekpcluster_2016-06-16_13-35/output/ -r "^zpt.*$"

The -r argument is a regex expression to match the relevant files in the folder. The script will create plots for all bins. With --filter the 'critical' tables are automatically moved to a subfolder. Use this script if you have produced a lot of events but still have some fluctuations in the outer bins.

PDFs as ROOT graphs

To get a PDF from a LHAPDF set a certain energy scale, use -p NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118 -q 91.2  # Q=91.2 -p NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118 -q 1.9 --q2  # Q^2=1.9

(ToDo: --q2 to have a squared value: should this be made more intuitive?)

Instructions for using fastNLO tables with Artus

HarryPlotter offers the possibility to import fastNLO tables to calculate e.g. theory uncertainties. You can use the input_module InputFastNLO for this purpose. You have to execute to use this input module. Scale calculations with HOPPET are included in the module, make sure you have HOPPET interfaced in fastNLO for an adequate calculation of scale uncertainties.

PDF fits

PDFs are determined by comparing data and theory. These PDF fits are performed with xFitter, a software developed by the HERA collaborations.

For PDF fits, the PDF uncertainties have to be estimated. This requires to perform multiple fits, each with a slightly different configuration. This is what requires the parallel execution of xFitter via grid-control.

xFitter needs 3 files:

These files are located in the xfitter/ directory. Some of the variables are not explicitly set, e.g. Q02 = @Q02@. This means the value is set by grid-control, perhaps for each job differently. See also the grid-control steering file xfitter/xfitter.conf.

Right now, 19 jobs are submitted. The first job (job 0) is the central fit with the experimental errors. Jobs 1-8 are for the model uncertainties, Jobs 9-18 for the parametrisation uncertainties.

The script which manages the fitting is (basically a wrapper to grid-control). Similar to the batch mode of, it creates a working directory on storage, copies the necessary files there, launches grid-control, handles the outputs (creates the PDF uncertainties from the results of the different jobs) and creates a link to the working directory in results/.

It has two modes:

Datafile format

For the CMS mode, you can edit which data files are used, see here (set self.corrfiles_cms = [] if you have no correlation files). An example for a datafile is here. Edit the binning (1st and 2nd column), cross section values (3rd column) and statistical uncertainties (4th column). The following columns are for the systematic errors. NData has to match the number of data points, NColumn has to match the number of columns. TheoryInfoFile is the fastNLO table you produced (of course for the same process that was measured!)


The output are the fitted PDFs pdf_?.root at three scales: Q^2=1.9, Q^2=10.0 and Q=91.2 GeV. For debugging, have a look at the individual job log files as described in the Batch mode section for

For each job, the job_?_fittedresults.txt file contains information about the theory and data values as well as the nuisance parameter shifts/pulls. The job_?_plots.pdf contains plots of these values created with xFitter's own plotting tool. Chi^2 values are written to job_?_Results.txt. The PDF parameter values can be found in job_?_minuit.out.txt.

The precise HERA data are the basis for PDF determination. With the inclusion of CMS data, i.e. for the comparison between the results from HERA-only and HERA+CMS, we are interested in two things:

Important notes for usage:

Plot the resulting PDFs: -i results/hera/pdf_1_9_squared.root -f gluon -o out.png

ToDo: modify the script (or write a new one) to enable comparison plots, i.e. plot the total (experimental+model+parametrisation) uncertainties for two PDF sets.