arwensookim / NeverEverNote

EverNote Clone
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NeverEverNote is a clone of Evernote, a note taking web app. NeverEverNote allows you to organize your notes into collection called notebooks.




Login Page


Notes Page


Notes Edit Page


Notebooks Page


Tags Page



  1. First, bundle install followed by npm install
  2. Initialize the database with rails db:reset. You must be running PostgresSQL (sudo service postgresql start).
  3. Start the server with rails s
  4. Compile the javascript with npm start
  5. Navigate your browser to localhost:3000

Technologies Used

NeverEverNote is built with PostgresSQL, Rails, React, and Redux.

PostgresSQL is used to store the users, notes, and notebooks in a database.

Rails is used to create an API interface for the back end. Rails perform SQL queries and outputs data from the database in the form of JSON objects.

React is used to create a front-end for the information output by the API. Thunk actions perform API calls and then send the response to a Reducer which populates the Redux store. Then the React components use information from the store, such as the current user or some subset of notes, to present information.



Notes are a table in the database with columns for title, body, user_id, and notebook_id.

Users are able to create, view, update, and delete notes.

Users can see their notes only after logging in. All notes list can be viewed automatically after logging in.

Rich text editor library, React-Quill was used for editing body of notes. It was one of challenging aspect.

Notes are view based on the updated time.

class NotesIndexList extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        let notes = this.props.notes.sort()
        const date =, i )=> [note.updated_at, i]);
        let sort_notes = [];

        if (date){
            for(let i = 0; i < date.length; i++){
                let temp = date[i][1];
                let temp_note = notes[temp];

            notes = sort_notes;

                { => <NoteIndexItem note={note} key={} url={this.props.url} />)}


Notebooks are a table in the database with columns for title, user_id.

Users are able to create, view, update, and delete notebooks.

Users can see their notebooks after logging in by clicking Notebooks on the left sidebar. This will display lists of the notebooks, where users can rename the title of the notebooks. By clicking notebook title, they can go to the notes list, which notes that are under certain notebooks.

const mSTP = state => ({
    currentUser: state.entities.users[],
    notebooks: Object.values(state.entities.notebooks),
    errors: state.errors.notebooks

const mDTP = dispatch => ({
    fetchNotebooks: () => dispatch(fetchNotebooks()),
    createNotebook: notebook => dispatch(createNotebook(notebook)),
    updateNotebook: notebook => dispatch(updateNotebook(notebook)),
    deleteNotebook: notebookId => dispatch(deleteNotebook(notebookId))

export default connect(mSTP, mDTP)(NotebooksIndex);


Tags are a table in the database with columns for tite and user_id.

Users are able to create, view, update, and delete tags.

Users can see all tags only logging in by clicking tags on the left sidebar. Lists of tags will display on the page, where users can retitle or delete tags.

User also can add tags from the notes directly from the bottom of notes edit page. This will automatically update tags lists as well.

<div className="tags">
    <div><img src={window.tagURL} /></div>
    <ul className="note-tags-lists">
        { tag => {
            if (!tag) {
                return null
            } else {
                return (
                        <Link to={`/tags/${}`}>
                            <li className="tag-list-items" key={}>{tag.title}</li>


    <div className="add-note-tag">
        <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
            <input className="tag-input" type="text" value={this.state.tagTitle} onChange={this.updateTag} placeholder="Add Tag here" />

Future Features