aryan-panja / KhushiyonKiKheti
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Khushiyon Ki Kheti

Our Solution for the GDSC Solution Challenge aims to help solve the problems farmers face, like deciding what to sow, selling there crops, which fertilizers to use and other of these related doubts, we developed a Website, which prvovides a E-Commerce portal for the farmers to sell there crops eliminating the Middle-Mens from the process, thus increasing the income of the farmers, we also provide them with our ChatBot ( Kissan Mitra ), which is Prompt Engineered to answer all the farming queries of a farmer, our solution also has a Crop-Prediction model init which is developed to tell the best crop for the farmers to sow, on the basis of there location, temprature, soil quality.

Steps to use, Khushiyon Ki Kheti

  1. Visit our Website at:
  2. Create an account (Please Create a Seller Account to use all the features)
  3. That's it, Now you can navigate according to your need :)

Technologies used:

  1. Firebase
  2. Gemini
  3. ReactJS
  4. ExpressJS
  5. Flask

Future Goals

  1. Provide this in various Regional Languages.
  2. Optimizing the user experience in the E-Commerce.

How to Reproduce it Locally

  1. Clone the Repositry:
  2. Navigate to the KhushiyonKiKheti/client in the terminal.
  3. Run the below commands in sequence:

    • npm i
    • npm run dev
    • cd ../flask
    • source venv/bin/activate
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • python3

(While Signing Up, Please Create a Seller Account to use all the features)


  1. Nimish Duggal (Team Leader)
  2. Anush Kapoor
  3. Aryan Panja
  4. Parth Kapoor