Contributors: ascom
Donate link:
Tags: katex, latex, mathjax, math, equation, equations, tex
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.11.0
Requires PHP: 5.3
License: GPL2
License URI:
Integrates the super-fast KaTeX LaTeX equation typesetting engine with WordPress. Create beautiful, yet performant math in your posts and pages.
The KaTeX WordPress plugin integrates the super-fast KaTeX math typesetting engine with your WordPress website. The plugin allows you to put LaTeX in a [latex]...[/latex]
shortcode, and beautiful math appears on your post or page.
The plugin also has an option to use the excellent jsDelivr CDN to load the KaTeX scripts, further increasing the performance of the plugin.
Equations in [latex display="true"]...[/latex]
will be rendered in display mode (rather than inline mode) and centered on its own line.
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
shortcode in your posts and pagesKaTeX is fast. It's really fast, compared to MathJax. In fact, it's a staggering 35 times faster than MathJax. Your page will load much faster with KaTeX, especially if it's heavy with equations.
Jetpack has a LaTeX plugin that uses the service to render the equations. However, it uses images, which look ugly when zoomed in, or on high-DPI ("retina") displays. Also, it depends on's servers, and a lot of equations can make the page slow (too many requests).
Updated KaTeX library to 0.11.0
and \url
will break without adjusting the trust settingChanged:
Updated KaTeX library to 0.10.2
Updated KaTeX library to 0.10.1
in inline math (#1298)match-at
dependency, use RegExp for lexer (#1447)\>
, <mtext>
, <mn>
to empty object (#1471)\raisebox
MathML. #876ApplyFunction
to math functions in MathML. #960\undertilde
to \utilde
. #948frac-line
from border to full span. #976\bmod
. #984\vec
by replacing the combining font glyph with an SVG. #1018liminf
and limsup
. Fixed #111\kern
generates right-margin instead of left-margin. Fixed #995\sqrt
and Paths for frac-line #1143\smash
, laps, spaces, and phantoms. #833\raisebox
, \operatorname
, \And
, \colorbox
, \fcolorbox
and \verb
, Arrows, Big Operators, Binary Operators, Negated Relations.alignedat
environment for flexible math spacing. #930\mathchoice
command. #969\href
command. #923\hspace*
, \@ifstar
, \@ifnextchar
, \@firstoftwo
character ∌
. #710\kern
fixed and support \hskip
, \TeX
, \LaTeX
, \KaTeX
. See #974\ae
, \AE
, \oe
, \OE
, \o
, \O
, \ss
with unicode support for those characters in text mode. #1030\i
and \j
for text mode. #1029\TextOrMath
, @secondoftwo. #1024\aa
, \AA
, \lq
, \rq
, \lbrack
, \rbrack
environments such as Czech, Georgian, Hungarian, Turkish. #1076\textit
and \textbf
and \P
in text mode #1159\llap
and \rlap
now render contents in math mode. Use \mathllap
(new) and \mathrlap
(new) if you need the previous behavior.\color
, explicitly grouped \textcolor
, \arcctg
, \ch
, \cosec
, \cotg
, \ctg
, \cth
, \sh
, \tanh
, \tg
, \th
, \sf
, \tt
, \bf
, \it
and \underset
, \implies
, \impliedby
, >
, |
and many \text...
commands in text mode$...$
via styling node\jot
lineskip to aligned environment, switch contents to displaystyle, and add gathered\coloneqq
, \colonequals
, etc. based on mathtools and colonequalsx'^2
within \over
in table-like CSS.\sqrt
and large operators with limitsstretchy
, strikethrough
, and fbox
text-mode accents\not
, \bmod
, \pmod
, and \pod
, \textellipsis
, and \mathellipsis
, \&
, \$
, \%
, \_
, \{
, and \}
in text mode\stackrel
, ---
, `
, '
, ``
, ''
, \degree
, \pounds
, \maltese
, \mathbin
, \mathrel
, \mathopen
, \mathclose
, \mathpunct
, \mathinner
, and \mathop
, \textit
, \textbf
, \texttt
, \textsf
, and \textnormal
and \rlap
produce ords (bug fix)\color
, \mathbf
, and in other places (bug fix)aligned
and \lt
will parse (bug fix).\mathrm
, \mathit
, \mathbf
, \mathbb
, \mathcal
, \mathfrak
, \mathscr
, \mathsf
, \mathtt
, \Bbb
, \bold
, and \frak
and \nolimits
column delimiters in the array
and \rVert
, \rvert
, \lVert
, \rVert
, \lgroup
, \rgroup
, \lmoustache
, and \rmoustache
in delimiters.\ulcorner
, \urcorner
, \llcorner
, \lrcorner
, \barwedge
, \veebar
, \circledcirc
, \boxdot
, \uparrow
, \Uparrow
, \downarrow
, \Downarrow
, \updownarrow
, \Updownarrow
, and \ldots
and Bmatrix
and \circledR
symbols.\begin ... \end
environments, including support for array
, matrix
, pmatrix
, bmatrix
, vmatrix
, and Vmatrix
arguments, e.g. \sqrt[3]{x}
[latex display="true"]...[/latex]
, \&
, \aleph
, \amalg
, \approxeq
, \ast
, \asymp
, \backepsilon
, \backprime
, \backsim
, \backsimeq
, \Bbbk
, \because
, \beth
, \between
, \bigcirc
, \bigstar
, \blacklozenge
, \blacksquare
, \blacktriangle
, \blacktriangledown
, \blacktriangleleft
, \blacktriangleright
, \bowtie
, \Box
, \boxminus
, \boxplus
, \boxtimes
, \bullet
, \bumpeq
, \Bumpeq
, \Cap
, \cdotp
, \centerdot
, \circeq
, \circlearrowleft
, \circlearrowright
, \circledast
, \circleddash
, \circledS
, \clubsuit
, \complement
, \Cup
, \curlyeqprec
, \curlyeqsucc
, \curlyvee
, \curlywedge
, \curvearrowleft
, \curvearrowright
, \dag
, \daleth
, \dashleftarrow
, \dashrightarrow
, \dashv
, \ddag
, \ddagger
, \diagdown
, \diagup
, \Diamond
, \diamondsuit
, \digamma
, \divideontimes
, \doteq
, \Doteq
, \doteqdot
, \dotplus
, \doublebarwedge
, \doublecap
, \doublecup
, \downdownarrows
, \downharpoonleft
, \downharpoonright
, \ell
, \eqcirc
, \eqsim
, \eqslantgtr
, \eqslantless
, \equiv
, \eth
, \exists
, \fallingdotseq
, \Finv
, \flat
, \forall
, \frown
, \Game
, \geqq
, \geqslant
, \gg
, \ggg
, \gggtr
, \gimel
, \gnapprox
, \gneq
, \gneqq
, \gnsim
, \gtrapprox
, \gtrdot
, \gtreqless
, \gtreqqless
, \gtrless
, \gtrsim
, \gvertneqq
, \hbar
, \heartsuit
, \hookleftarrow
, \hookrightarrow
, \hslash
, \Im
, \intercal
, \Join
, \ldotp
, \leadsto
, \Leftarrow
, \leftarrowtail
, \leftharpoondown
, \leftharpoonup
, \leftleftarrows
, \leftrightarrow
, \Leftrightarrow
, \leftrightarrows
, \leftrightharpoons
, \leftrightsquigarrow
, \leftthreetimes
, \leqq
, \leqslant
, \lessapprox
, \lessdot
, \lesseqgtr
, \lesseqqgtr
, \lessgtr
, \lesssim
, \lgroup
, \lhd
, \ll
, \llcorner
, \Lleftarrow
, \lll
, \llless
, \lmoustache
, \lnapprox
, \lneq
, \lneqq
, \lnsim
, \longleftarrow
, \Longleftarrow
, \longleftrightarrow
, \Longleftrightarrow
, \longmapsto
, \longrightarrow
, \Longrightarrow
, \looparrowleft
, \looparrowright
, \lozenge
, \lrcorner
, \Lsh
, \ltimes
, \lvertneqq
, \mapsto
, \measuredangle
, \mho
, \mid
, \mp
, \multimap
, \nabla
, \natural
, \ncong
, \nearrow
, \nexists
, \ngeqq
, \ngeqslant
, \ngtr
, \ni
, \nleftarrow
, \nLeftarrow
, \nleftrightarrow
, \nLeftrightarrow
, \nleqq
, \nleqslant
, \nless
, \nmid
, \nparallel
, \nprec
, \npreceq
, \nrightarrow
, \nRightarrow
, \nshortmid
, \nshortparallel
, \nsim
, \nsubseteqq
, \nsucc
, \nsucceq
, \nsupseteqq
, \ntriangleleft
, \ntrianglelefteq
, \ntriangleright
, \ntrianglerighteq
, \nvdash
, \nvDash
, \nVdash
, \nVDash
, \nwarrow
, \ominus
, \owns
, \parallel
, \perp
, \phantom
, \pitchfork
, \prec
, \precapprox
, \preccurlyeq
, \preceq
, \precnapprox
, \precneqq
, \precnsim
, \precsim
, \propto
, \Re
, \restriction
, \rgroup
, \rhd
, \Rightarrow
, \rightarrowtail
, \rightharpoondown
, \rightharpoonup
, \rightleftarrows
, \rightleftharpoons
, \rightrightarrows
, \rightsquigarrow
, \rightthreetimes
, \risingdotseq
, \rmoustache
, \Rrightarrow
, \Rsh
, \rtimes
, \searrow
, \sharp
, \shortmid
, \shortparallel
, \sim
, \simeq
, \smallfrown
, \smallsetminus
, \smallsmile
, \smile
, \spadesuit
, \sphericalangle
, \sqcap
, \sqcup
, \sqsubset
, \sqsubseteq
, \sqsupset
, \sqsupseteq
, \square
, \Subset
, \subseteqq
, \subsetneq
, \subsetneqq
, \succ
, \succapprox
, \succcurlyeq
, \succeq
, \succnapprox
, \succneqq
, \succnsim
, \succsim
, \Supset
, \supseteqq
, \supsetneq
, \supsetneqq
, \swarrow
, \therefore
, \thickapprox
, \thicksim
, \triangledown
, \trianglelefteq
, \triangleq
, \trianglerighteq
, \twoheadleftarrow
, \twoheadrightarrow
, \ulcorner
, \unlhd
, \unrhd
, \upharpoonleft
, \upharpoonright
, \uplus
, \upuparrows
, \urcorner
, \varkappa
, \varpropto
, \varsubsetneq
, \varsubsetneqq
, \varsupsetneq
, \varsupsetneqq
, \vartriangle
, \vartriangleleft
, \vartriangleright
, \vdash
, \vDash
, \Vdash
, \Vvdash
, \wp
, \wr
, \yen
equations not being put on a new lineLots of commands and features now supported
New rendering method and a few new commands now supported
Add support for aligned
, \gt
, \lt
, and \underline
Fixed issue with wptexturize causing syntax errors
Updated KaTeX library - adds support for more TeX commands
Updated KaTeX library - adds support for more TeX commands
Add support for a lot of LaTeX symbols