asafdav / ng-s3upload

Upload to S3 using AngularJS
MIT License
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Direct upload to Amazon S3: corrupted files #56

Open billyshena opened 9 years ago

billyshena commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone !

I'm currently trying to setup a direct upload from angular-file-upload to Amazon S3 bucket. The upload process works fine, ex: If I upload an image of 3MB, the image is correctly transferred on my Amazon S3 bucket (located in Francfort btw, using the new AWS V4 signature)

The issue is the following one: The uploaded files cannot be opened and when I try to "cat" to see the binary content of the file, there are 3 lines added:

------WebKitFormBoundaryfOtaE6TQBF0hzBnw Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="01_-_Rock_Or_Bust.mp3" Content-Type: audio/mp3

For each uploaded file, there is this "webkitformboundary" stuff added inside my file's binary content which is the reason of my issue I guess.

Does anyone know how to solve it?

I have a Node.js server that is basically generating pre-signed url and my app using this plugin to do the upload to S3.

I've been looking to solve this with my team for 24 hours now but no clue at moment. Any ideas?

Best regards,