asafdav / ng-s3upload

Upload to S3 using AngularJS
MIT License
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ng-s3upload - Upload to S3 using AngularJS

An AngularJS directive that allows you to simply upload files directly to AWS S3.


  1. Create AWS S3 bucket

  2. Grant "put/delete" permissions to everyone In AWS web interface, select S3 and select the destination bucket, then expand the "Permissions" sections and click on the "Add more permissions" button. Select "Everyone" and "Upload/Delete" and save.

  3. Add CORS configuration to your bucket

    In AWS web interface, select S3 and select the wanted bucket. Expand the "Permissions" section and click on the "Add CORS configuration" button. Paste the wanted CORS configuration, for example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

    In addition, create the following crossdomain.xml file and upload it to the root of your bucket.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
    <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />

    Once the CORS permissions are updated, your bucket is ready for client side uploads.

  4. Create a server side service that will return the needed details for uploading files to S3. your service shall return a json in the following format:

    "policy": "XXXX",
    "signature": "YYY",
    "key": "ZZZ"

    XXX - A policy json that is required by AWS, base64 encoded. YYY - HMAC and sha of your private key ZZZ - Your public key Here's a rails example, even if you're not a rails developer, read the code, it's very straight forward.

    For a php example, please refer to this guide.

      def s3_access_token
        render json: {
          policy:    s3_upload_policy,
          signature: s3_upload_signature,
          key:       GLOBAL[:aws_key]
        def s3_upload_policy
          @policy ||= create_s3_upload_policy
        def create_s3_upload_policy
              "expiration" => 1.hour.from_now.utc.xmlschema,
              "conditions" => [
                { "bucket" =>  GLOBAL[:aws_bucket] },
                [ "starts-with", "$key", "" ],
                { "acl" => "public-read" },
                [ "starts-with", "$Content-Type", "" ],
                [ "content-length-range", 0, 10 * 1024 * 1024 ]
        def s3_upload_signature
          Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), GLOBAL[:aws_secret], s3_upload_policy)).gsub("\n","")

    The following code generates an upload policy that will be used by S3, in this example the maximum file size is limited to 10MB (10 1024 1024), update it to match your requirments. for a full list of S3's policy options, please refer to AWS documentation.

How to get it ?

Manual Download

Download the from here


bower install ng-s3upload


npm install ng-s3upload


  1. Add ng-s3upload.min.js to your main file (index.html)

  2. If you have not already done so, include ngSanitize in your application.

  3. Set ngS3upload as a dependency in your module

    var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ngS3upload'])
  4. Add s3-upload directive to the wanted element, example:

    <div s3-upload bucket="s3Bucket" ng-model="product.remote_product_file_url"
     s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: s3OptionsUri, folder: 'images/'}">



ng-s3upload allows to customize the directive template using themes. Currently the available themes are: bootstrap2, bootstrap3. You can also use your own template (if so, the provided path must start with a /).

How to?

app.config(function(ngS3Config) {
  ngS3Config.theme = 'bootstrap3';
  ngS3Config.theme = '/path/to/custom/theme.html';

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