asahi417 / lmppl

Calculate perplexity on a text with pre-trained language models. Support MLM (eg. DeBERTa), recurrent LM (eg. GPT3), and encoder-decoder LM (eg. Flan-T5).
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Language Model Perplexity (LM-PPL)

Perplexity measures how predictable a text is by a language model (LM), and it is often used to evaluate fluency or proto-typicality of the text (lower the perplexity is, more fluent or proto-typical the text is). LM-PPL is a python library to calculate perplexity on a text with any types of pre-trained LMs. We compute an ordinary perplexity for recurrent LMs such as GPT3 (Brown et al., 2020) and the perplexity of the decoder for encoder-decoder LMs such as BART (Lewis et al., 2020) or T5 (Raffel et al., 2020), while we compute pseudo-perplexity (Wang and Cho, 2018) for masked LMs.

Get Started

Install via pip.

pip install lmppl


Let's solve sentiment analysis with perplexity as an example! Remember the text with lower perplexity is better, so we compare two texts (positive and negative) and choose the one with lower perplexity as the model prediction.

  1. Recurrent LM including variants of GPT.
    import lmppl

scorer = lmppl.LM('gpt2') text = [ 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am happy.', 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am sad.' ] ppl = scorer.get_perplexity(text) print(list(zip(text, ppl)))

[ ('sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am happy.', 136.64255272925908), ('sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am sad.', 139.2400838400971) ] print(f"prediction: {text[ppl.index(min(ppl))]}") "prediction: sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am happy."

  1. Masked LM including variants of BERT.
    import lmppl

scorer = lmppl.MaskedLM('microsoft/deberta-v3-small') text = [ 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am happy.', 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am sad.' ] ppl = scorer.get_perplexity(text) print(list(zip(text, ppl)))

[ ('sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am happy.', 1190212.1699246117), ('sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am sad.', 1152767.482071837) ] print(f"prediction: {text[ppl.index(min(ppl))]}") "prediction: sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee. I am sad."

  1. Encoder-Decoder LM including variants of T5 and BART.
    import lmppl

scorer = lmppl.EncoderDecoderLM('google/flan-t5-small') inputs = [ 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee.', 'sentiment classification: I dropped my laptop on my knee, and someone stole my coffee.' ] outputs = [ 'I am happy.', 'I am sad.' ] ppl = scorer.get_perplexity(input_texts=inputs, output_texts=outputs) print(list(zip(outputs, ppl)))

[ ('I am happy.', 4138.748977714201), ('I am sad.', 2991.629250051472) ] print(f"prediction: {outputs[ppl.index(min(ppl))]}") "prediction: I am sad."


Below are some examples of popular models and the corresponding model type to use within the lmppl package.

Model HuggingFace ID Model Type
BERT google-bert/bert-base-uncased MaskedLM
Roberta roberta-large MaskedLM
GPT 2 gpt2-xl LM
flan-ul2 google/flan-ul2 EncoderDecoderLM
GPT-NeoX EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b LM
OPT facebook/opt-30b LM
Mixtral mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-v0.1 LM
Llama 3 meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B LM
