asakeron / cljs-webgl

WebGL binding to ClojureScript
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WebGL binding to ClojureScript.


Create a library that allows a more convinient functional style for creating WebGL applications in ClojureScript, by means of hiding mutability where possible and wrapping every Javascript value in ClojureScript constructs.


The program below can be run by first building:

$ lein cljsbuild once

And then opening the examples/index.html page in a webGL capable browser.

(ns basic-opengl-program.core
  (:require [cljs-webgl.context :as context]
            [cljs-webgl.shaders :as shaders]
            [cljs-webgl.constants.draw-mode :as draw-mode]
            [ :as data-type]
            [cljs-webgl.constants.buffer-object :as buffer-object]
            [cljs-webgl.constants.shader :as shader]
            [cljs-webgl.buffers :as buffers]
            [cljs-webgl.typed-arrays :as ta]))

(def vertex-shader-source
  "attribute vec3 vertex_position;
   void main() {
     gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1);

(def fragment-shader-source
  "uniform int frame;
   void main() {
     gl_FragColor.r = sin(float(frame) * 0.05) / 2.0 + 0.5;
     gl_FragColor.g = sin(float(frame) * 0.1) / 2.0 + 0.5;
     gl_FragColor.b = sin(float(frame) * 0.02) / 2.0 + 0.5;
     gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

(defn start []
    [gl (context/get-context (.getElementById js/document "canvas"))
     shader (shaders/create-program gl
              (shaders/create-shader gl shader/vertex-shader vertex-shader-source)
              (shaders/create-shader gl shader/fragment-shader fragment-shader-source))
     vertex-buffer (buffers/create-buffer gl (ta/float32 [1.0 1.0 0.0
                                                          -1.0 1.0 0.0
                                                          1.0 -1.0 0.0])
     element-buffer (buffers/create-buffer gl (ta/unsigned-int16 [0 1 2])
     draw (fn [frame continue]
            (-> gl
                (buffers/clear-color-buffer 0 0 0 1)
                (buffers/draw! :shader shader
                               :draw-mode draw-mode/triangles
                               :count 3

                               [{:buffer vertex-buffer
                                 :location (shaders/get-attrib-location gl shader "vertex_position")
                                 :components-per-vertex 3
                                 :type data-type/float}]

                               [{:name "frame" :type :int :values (ta/int32 [frame])}]

                               {:buffer element-buffer
                                :count 3
                                :type data-type/unsigned-short
                                :offset 0}))

            (.requestAnimationFrame js/window (fn [time-elapsed] (continue (inc frame) continue))))]
  (.requestAnimationFrame js/window (fn [time-elapsed] (draw 0 draw)))))

More working examples (clojurescript implementations of Learning WebGL) can be found in the examples directory

Dependency information

Leiningen dependency information:

[cljs-webgl "0.1.5-SNAPSHOT"]


See the API Documentation.

To generate Marginalia documentation locally, run lein marg src/cljs.