A new caching/syncing library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Under heavy construction. Better examples and instructions coming soon.
val cache = Bismarck.create<UserRecords> {
fileStorage {
path = "users.json"
serializer = JsonSerializer(UserRecords.serializer()) // requires bismarck-serializer-kotlinx
freshness {
path = "users-freshness" // freshness state will survive shutdowns if you specify a path
millis = 15 * 60 * 1000 // data is considered fresh for 15 minutes
fetcher {
// Kick off a fetch with either check() or invalidate()
// Bismarck is coroutine-driven,
// so async and observations should be scoped.
someScope.launch {
// This will be called whenever the data is updated, as long as the scope continues.
cache.eachValue {
println("Received value ${it.bar}")
// It's helpful to know what your cache is doing. Observe state to find out!
cache.eachState {
spinner.isVisible = it == Bismarck.State.Fetching
// Same for error states!
cache.eachError {
warningIcon.isVisible = it != null
// You can also grab all of these values directly
val current = cache.value
repositories {
maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/asarazan/maven" }
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
implementation "net.sarazan:bismarck:$bismarck_version" // currently 0.1.0