asarazan / martok
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Martok - Glory To Your Schema!

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Martok is built for one thing and one thing only: converting Typescript schemas into kotlinx.serialization schemas. It's the brutal and chaotic rival to Dukat.

Why Kotlin? Why Typescript?

We've always been big believers in Kotlin Multiplatform for Mobile -- but also recognize the (well-earned) dominance of Node on the backend. Martok creates an automated schema pipeline from the Typescript in your backend codebase to the Kotlin data layer in your Android & iOS apps.

Why Not QuickType?

QuickType has gotten quite old and difficult to develop. The PRs have mostly stagnated, we currently cannot find a way to successfully build the project, so we've moved on.

Can I see some example output?

Sure! For a quick example:

export type Unions = {
  foo: { bar: string } | { baz: string };

Would translate to

data class Unions(
    val foo: Foo
) {
    data class Foo(
        val bar: String? = null,
        val baz: String? = null

Or this one:

export type AnonList = {
  foo: {
    bar: string;
    baz: "one" | "two";

...which would translate to:

data class AnonList(
    val foo: List<FooItem>
) {
    data class FooItem(
        val bar: String,
        val baz: Baz
    ) {
        enum class Baz(
            val serialName: String
        ) {
            @SerialName("one") ONE("one"),
            @SerialName("two") TWO("two");

For more examples, check out the comparison files we use for our automated tests HERE.


npm install -g martok


# Martok works with single files, directories, and always infers the right thing to do.
martok ./someFile.d.ts -o Schema.kt --package example
martok ./someDirectory -o BigSchema.kt
martok ./someDirectory -o ./outputDirectory # produce lots of little files.