asasmoyo / yii-simplesamlphp

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Yii Simplesamlphp

1. Installation

Download or clone this repot then extract to extensions. Register components/Simplesaml.php as a component. It needs 2 arguments, autoloadPath where your simplesamlphp sp's lib/_autoload.php is and authSource the authentication source that you will use on your config/authsources.php

  // on config/main.php
  'components' => array(
      'simplesamlphp' => array(
            'class' => 'ext.yii-simplesamlphp.components.Simplesamlphp',
            'autoloadPath' => 'SIMPLESAMLPHP_SP_PATH/lib/_autoload.php',
            'authSource' => 'default-sp',

       //your other components

2. Usage

3. Example

You can install Yii Simplesamlphp Example to try this extension.